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Nexus Mods Profile

About XMarioAscended

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    United States
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  1. You Could Use Amazing Follower Tweaks Just Equip The Summoning Spell She Knows And Remove it in The Spell List Or Reset Her Stats And Lower Her Conjuration Skill To 15
  2. It Could Be that one mod is conflicting with another or your save game is corrupted due to removing mods not properly Also it Could be your running to many mods?
  3. so do i just make a zip file folder and but it in there? and thanks guy's i am new to the mod thing.
  4. i made a mod that simply makes good changes to a npc in game i have the bsa file what do i need to upload it ??
  5. no one has yet done a home of pure evil for one such as many this idea needs to be answered if you can make a dlc size expansions then surely you can have this made reality and it doesnt have to be under the same name or same content due to legal trouble i mean come on look at thishttp://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/32/8a/a7328a15c774a6ecef2160b924dfcfe9.jpg
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