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Nexus Mods Profile

About JazzJR

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  1. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  2. Why did you leave a comment on my profile saying

    "Hahaha you are banned xDDDDD"

    When I am now back... and you are banned?

    I don't see the irony in it...

  3. AlienSlof left because of the Kindergarten here. Yeah Blink 182 is a funny Band eh? Another protip of me: WHOEVER banned me should grow up. I am old enough to understand fun, other than the most people here in the Moderator or Admin level. So delete my Mods and i am done with TESNexus..... :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  4. If they upload them anywhere else there will be trouble! Glad i didn't uploaded more Mods. Now i can understand why AlienSlof left... And keep your "ironic" posts for yourself. :thumbsup: :rolleyes:
  5. I am banned, so delete ALL my mods from TesNexus! it was MY work and it is not wanted so delete it, or i will go other steps. EDIT: And DON'T upload them anywhere else!!! >:( Have fun.
  6. Well i used the normal skeleton and just made some paws. Since if you change to much on the skeleton it will just look weird and crazy. :psyduck:
  7. Haha ban me -.- i don't care -.- you will lose more and more modders this way - Have fun -.-
    1. Zaldir
    2. Wiccan0Witch


      Whats up hun?
    3. JazzJR


      I got put out of the Chat for a week, for posting a Music Video.... -.-
  8. I think the sheep invaded coz no-one was watching the fields lol. I don't know if the war's still going on but it raged for quite a while. There may now be a truce but who knows. Glad you are well hun, have missed you. Hope to speak to you soon xx
  9. I am fine, and you? doesn't want to chat atm...busy with work and stuff. But why did the sheeps invade nexus??
  10. I shalt drag you back'eth into thy Chatroom :D
  11. Hey you, where are ya, what ya doing. Not been on in a while so thought I'd come and nag ya to see what ya up to. Hope all is well honey, speak soon xx
  12. You need to be on more :P
  13. Hi, I made a gun model and copied it in an excisting one, chanfged all "children" and NiNodes right and then this happened. What did i wrong? I made mods for Oblivion many times but never for Fallout NV yet. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b74/Desert-Rat/Oblivionmods/th_Untitled-2copy2.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b74/Desert-Rat/Oblivionmods/th_Untitled-1copy4.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b74/Desert-Rat/Oblivionmods/th_Untitled-2copy3.jpg
  14. I wish you a wonderful Christmas too :)
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