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Anyone who's made their own custom followers ever experience a CTD on trying to load a save after turning on the new follower .esp file? Sofar as i know, ive done everything i need to do, to get my follower created and in-game, but if i have its .esp file checked, Skyrim will crash the instant i try to either start a new game, or load 'any' save file. Yet if i disable the .esp.... i can instantly load up any save i currently have, or even start a new game. Anyone run into this with their own follower creations able to give me any pointers on what to check, to see if i missed a step, or have something set wrong that would cause the CTD? Thanks for any help :D
Help getting a Follower in-world.
ShadowWolf81 replied to ShadowWolf81's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmm.. well i managed to figure out what was glitching and keeping me from getting her into the Game.... i think. Now i have a new problem. i CTD whenever i enter the Sleeping Giant Inn (which is where i stuck her). So... any thoughts on what could cause a custom follower to cause a CTD when you enter the area they are in? -
Ok.. so after 'finally' managing to get to the point were Creation Kit would 'not' crash on me when i tried opening up what i 'thought' i'd need to make a follower *dances* I managed to create one based off my own character.. and got her put in-world at the Sleeping Giant Inn. Or so i thought. When i go there.. she's nowhere to be found. In the creation kit render window, it shows her there, she's in the Inn's Interior item list... and sofar as i know, everything else needing to be done has been done (even clicking on the esp file within the mod list for the game). Anyone know what might be causing her to not show up? Did i miss a step somewhere? p.s. How do i get the Render window for Cell interiors to rotate around?.. all i seem to be able to do is select items and move them.... but i cant seem to find a way to rotate the window itself.
Hey guys... quick question. Can anyone point me towards a decent SKSE options video/tutorial/how-to? Just re-installed Skyrim (think i broke mine with a mod.. and wanted a new start anyway XD). And forgot to backup the SKSE folder i had (with the ini options thing) Or.. give me a quick how-to here? I vagely remember setting up a "SKSE" Folder 'inside' either the 'data' folder, or the 'skyrim' folder (but outside of the data one) With a single text file in it that had a few lines of simple code on it.... But... thats about it, i cant remember what most of it was, or if i even know what to name the folder/file =) I know one of it was to make the SKSE use the 2/4k textures... not sure what the other ones were. i think just some small tweaks. So.... anyone feel up to either pointing me in the right direction... or giving me a quick how-to along with a list of widely used options to put into the text file?
Hey guys. For the past long while.. ive tinkered with everything from Weather mods (CoT), to clothing, to armor and shapes. Love the way my Skyrim looks right now.. but the one thing i dont have yet... are any 'new' animations. Anyone have any tips on what sort of animation sets to get?... so im not simply standing around like a tree all the time?.. or any 'good' looking combat animations to pick up?
Main story Quest, or Civil War first?
ShadowWolf81 replied to ShadowWolf81's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yea been doing side-quests.. just wasnt sure which of the two 'big' ones i should do first to keep from royaly screwing things up =) -
Hey guys, I know that by now turning a player character into a follower should be easy for most anyone. But, i can never get CK to cooperate for some reason.. and between work and school.. dont have the time to troublshoot it =(. So... Question is.. Is anyone willing to turn my character into a 'standalone' follower? I can provide the 'short' list of mods that'd be needed (ones a race, others a hair one. And can provide the name of the 'body-mod' i use as well if needed.) as well as the file you can make with the console command. Thats just as far as i can get when i try to do things myself. So.. anyone have any spare time? Figured this'd be the only way i can play 'with' a friend of mine, until TESO comes out =)
Hey guys. Just have a quick question for anyone that has done mulitiple playthrougs. What would you recommend doing first? the Civil War storyline, or the Main 'Skyrim' storyine? I know that one, or both of these, can have an impact on completing certain objectives in the other (without giving otu spoilers). But im not sure just 'how' they can interfere with one another. So.. which would you sudjest doing first?
Blackscreen while leaving Lakeview Manor
ShadowWolf81 replied to Schwippps's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This solved it for me as well. Uninstalling the Quality world map. Did that, then walked into Lakeview Manor, did some smithing, walked out. No infinate black screen. -
CTD'ing on Fresh Install with relatively 'few' mods.
ShadowWolf81 replied to ShadowWolf81's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Did another clean install.. was a bit more carefull with the textures i loaded (keeping them only on my character + followers...) no crashing sofar. :blush: Thanks for mentioning the ENB Boost thing Hyac, When i was looking threw all it solved, and it mentioned texture crashes, it reminded me of a problem i had with Milly's Maniguins Look Like You mod. and a house i had with 6 maniquins in it.. the 6+ manaquins, all with my high-rez texture, would cause CTD's if to many followers were also in the house at the same time. -
Game Crashes at Galathil Character Makeover
ShadowWolf81 replied to byunnbi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This might, or might not help you guys.. but try using this Mod (if you dont already have it), Then talking to her again? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526//? Its the mod used to get around the "CTD with more than 50 hairs installed" glitch Skyrim had for ages. Though, looking at a bit of info, it may also help CTD's caused by lots of 'textures' shown during the race-menu change screen (which may be why Zhamar telling his followers to wait a distance away, and taking off his armor helped). -
CTD'ing on Fresh Install with relatively 'few' mods.
ShadowWolf81 replied to ShadowWolf81's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Welp, Removing the ENB didnt help...... I swear it seems to crash anytime im near a scripted event.. like now for instance... trying to get to Kodlak's funneral... i lockup/freez whenever i get within sight of Jorvvaskir. -
CTD'ing on Fresh Install with relatively 'few' mods.
ShadowWolf81 replied to ShadowWolf81's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmmm just removed the ENB files i had installed (well i think i got all of them at any rate!). Gonna play with it like this for a bit and see if i keep CTD'ing. Was an ooold ENB file (The Wilds).. so the age of it may be what was causing problems.... Old files cause i couldnt find a 'updated' version on Nexus.. had to go to some other website to get it :blush: -
Okies... so i have a new computer, new install of Skyrim.. and only a few mods... yet I am having CTD issues i never had on my old computer with tones of mods on it. And what's really annoying about these CTD's. is they seem to be totally random. I'll CTD when hitting Tab to bring up the skills/spells/items menu, I'll CTD when approaching towns, or trying to enter a building... ive even CTD's simply by walking 5 ft. Anyone have any idea at all as to what might be causing this? Load Order: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmRaceCompatibility.esmTravellersOfSkyrim.esmLanterns Of Skyrim All in One Main.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmHighRez Texturepack01.espHighRez Texturepack02.espHighRez Texturepack03.espUnnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnnoficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnnoficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnnoficial Dragonborn Patch.espUnnoficial High Rez Patch.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espShowRaceMenuAlternative.espSkyUI.espExtendedSliderColors.espClimatesofTamrriel-Dungeons-Hazardus.espClimatesofTamrriel-Interiors-Cold.espClimatesofTamrriel-Nights-Level-6.espClimatesofTamrriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesofTamrriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espClimatesofTamrriel-Sound.espLanterns of Skyrim - CoT3.1 Preset by EvilWolf2.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espThe Ningheim.espThe Nigheim - Followers.espMy Home is Your Home.espRun for your Lives.espWhen Vampires Attack.espSBF All in One + DLC.espFootprints.espCrazy Hairs-byzzjay.espFh hairs-byzzjay.espTravellersofSkyrim-vanilla.espTravellersofSkyrim-The Ningheim Addon.espConvenient Horses.espDragonPlateCrownCraftable.espDeadricCrownCraftable.espGlassCrownCraftable.espDragonCrownCraftable.espElvenCrownCraftable.espEbonyCrownCraftable.espDread Huntress Armor.espGhorza's Armor.espLadyKidCirclets.espVampireLeatherArmorSet.espzz_GDRAHoods.espIngotChest.espBlindfolds of Skyrim.espCloaks.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espOpenFaceGuardHelmets.espSvs Gollection Jewelry.espFemale Warewolf.espShieldWard.espCrossbows Basic Collection EN.espDread Knight Weapon Set.espSkyforgedWeapons.espShieldsofSkyrimLists.espzzLSAR_Clothes.espZZLSAR_ArmorL.esp Yea it may look like a 'lot'.. but most of those are multiple esp's fro the same mods (like CoT's 5 for the lighting) Anyone see anything that would lead to CTD's on menu opening, walking towards towns, or entering buildings? Thanks for any help!
Hmmm did that. then tried opening up the race-mod that i wanted to use on my character/follower. ( The Ningheim race ). When i try to open it up in CK though, it gives me an error about trying to open to many 'master' files and stops the open. I tried using a tool to turn the esp for the Ningheim race into a esm, and it still happens. When i try to select/open the custom race mod (to create the character) it auto-selects the Skyrim, Dawnguard, Race Fix, and a few other things as well... which causes the error with to many master files being opened at once. Any ideas?