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Everything posted by JinzouJinn

  1. Don't you ever feel its weird you can land your ship in an abandoned base at times, but it's full with pirates armed to the teeth and you just step outside without supportive fire? Sometimes it doesnt even trigger aggro when you land your big-ass easily noticable space fortress on their dock. It would be nice if landing would aggro them instantly, and that your ships turrets (the weapons that fire themselves) would that start attacking these targets in return. it feels a bit dumb having these "smart-auto-targetting" weapons, and you dont get to use them.
  2. i'm not sure how hard it would be to do this, but every time i hack a pc to ally the robots or open doors, i feel like i'm getting flashbanged by the white User interface. I feel it would be much appreciated by all cave gremlins playing in a dark room, if there would be a dark-UI mod for computers. Anyone else annoyed by the white screen?
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