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About pauderek

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  1. I've looked at the Creation Kit page and it should be like this: String FilePath = PlayersDroppedHelmet.GetModelPath(False) if FilePath == "Armor\Draugr\DraugrHelmetMale_GO.nif" ; Ancient Draugr PlayersDroppedHelmet.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "AncientDraugrPivot01") endif The problem is that using \ interrupts "" and that's why you receive the error. You can try using / instead ("Armor/Draugr/DraugrHelmetMale_GO.nif"), maybe that will work. Sorry, I've never used that function before
  2. Npcs only heal if they have the essential or the protected flag, that includes followers too. When you choose the option in UFO to remove their essential status you are removing their ability to heal too, it's hardcoded in the game.
  3. I think the problem is the last part of the code, (Game.GetForm(0x00056A9E) as Armor) is not necessary if you are looking for the model path of the dropped helmet. It should be: elseif PlayersDroppedHelmet.GetModelPath(Armor\Draugr\DraugrHelmetMale_GO.nif) ; Ancient Draugr PlayersDroppedHelmet.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "AncientDraugrPivot01")
  4. Add this line to your Skyrim.ini [GamePlay] bEssentialTakeNoDamage=0 BE WARNED: with this tweak every npc can die, if an essential npc dies it will probably break some quest, this is specially true for delphin or esbern.
  5. There is no vanilla function to check which helmet or armor someone has equipped, you need SKSE for that. The function you are looking for is http://www.creationkit.com/GetWornForm_-_Actor, the example shown in the page will tell you which armor the player has equipped. To detect the helmet I think that this line will work: Armor Helmet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000002) as Armor It checks which object you have equipped in the hair slot, I think that all helmets use that slot so it should work, if not you can try try 0x00000001 (head slot) but not all helmets use it.
  6. Blood on weapons is not hardcoded, it's determined by the weapon model itself (.nif) Every weapon model has 2 invisible layers that show the textures, and the textures are: BloodEdge01Add.dds and BloodEdge01.dds You can't edit those with the CK, in order to change them you need to edit every single weapon model, and that's something you don't want to do. So it's better to just override those 2 textures with yours and they will show up ingame.
  7. W.A.T.E.R adds lilypads and new types of vegetation, and the water is darker. Pure Waters is simpler and doesn't add any extra content, it focuses on water only, and the water is clearer. I used W.A.T.E.R but then switched to Pure Waters because I prefer simple things and because I like the clearer transparent water
  8. Skyrim causes indeed log errors. If you play without doing much things you will get some errors, but if you play doing missions and travelling etc etc you'll get lots of errors. As for Dawnguard, it causes a lot of log errors. That without mods, if you use mods your chances of getting errors willl increase
  9. Warzones is a heavy mod, it requires a good computer. You are using it with HD textures mods and scripting mods, those are heavy mods too and require an even better computer. So your problem with CTDs and missing textures is probably because your computer can't handle all those heavy mods.
  10. It may sound silly but have you verified that the properties are set correctly? It's easy to forget that you have added a new property on the script that has to be edited on the magic effect to point to the correct spell. Also, wouldn't it be easier to add the Fear and Fury magic effects directly on the enchantment using the condition GetRandomPercent? This way no script is needed. So the enchantment's effects tab would look like this: If GetRandomPercent <= 50 use Fury If GetRandomPercent > 50 use Fear I haven't tried this so I don't know if it will work, but you may want to try it instead of the script to see if it works. Edit: Oh, I'm late ^_^U
  11. I agree that making mods is frustrating sometimes due to users not reading the description or even the latest comments. They just post a comment asking something that's been asked 2 comments below and it's very frustrating to answer the same questions over and over again, and if you told them to read the description they can get angry with you. We are all humans (maybe some orcs or dark elves too), we all have good and bad days, and if you have a bad day and some users are being rude to you you can explode. Something like that happened with Alexandrox and WIS IV, right? And of course thinks happen in real life that can make a modder to leave the modding scene.
  12. The OnDeath() event can be used in magic effect, it will detect the actor that has that magic effect. For what you are trying to do I think it's the best way. If the magic effect is dispelled on death I recommend you to use the OnDying() event instead.
  13. for the message you can use Debug.Notification("write your message here") So using the script that gasti posted and Ghaunadaur modified it will look like this: ObjectReference property TeleDest auto auto state BeginSate Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer() Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(TeleDest) Debug.Notification("write your message here") endif GotoState("Done") endEvent endState state Done ; Do nothing endState That will show a notification on the screen like the bounty ones when you hit a civilian
  14. Yep, you can't give perks to npcs via scripting nor via ability. You can only give perks to the player. There are lots of things in the CK that will make our modding experience easier if they worked, and this is one of them. You'll have to find another way to implement what you are trying to do or add the perk directly to npcs, which will cause a lot of conflicts with other mods.
  15. It should be something like this: ImageSpaceModifier Property FXReadScrollsBlindImod Auto Race property NordRace auto ;; If you want to apply the effect to another race change this property Race TargetRace Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) TargetRace = akTarget.GetRace() if TargetRace == NordRace ;; Again if you want the effect on a different race change it FXReadScrollsBlindImod.Apply() endif EndEvent You have to set the properties on the Magic effect that points to the Imod and the Race. I don't know of any function to detect 1st person on a script, but you can use the IsPC1stPerson conditional on the target conditions inside the magic effect.
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