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Everything posted by Makalal

  1. Please anybody create this mod or tell me how to do it. Right now, the alien creatures move like cardboard. The camera noise/shake mod similar to fake recoil mod would make the creature feel really heavy.
  2. or port this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55030
  3. Can anyone create a Cape mod with physics like helldivers 2?
  4. Not sure about the freezing but I was facing random infinite loading screen. I tried a lot of things which didnt fix the problem. In the end I disabled all the mods I can live without. It fixed the problem. Now every time i boot up I enable one mod which i think is important and play the game for like an hour. If everything is fine then I enable another mod. You will be surprised that the game is still good without most of the mods we install.
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