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Posts posted by GhostHime

  1. Hi everyone,


    I just drop a presentation post here (before starting to flood with questions everywhere else x3)


    Name's Ghost-Hime

    27 springs

    From France

    I've mostly learnt English via games and teamspeak calls, so pretty please dont pay too much mind too my way of talking

    I'm doing lots of different jobs, can do pretty much anything, but not for too long


    I play on PC, RPGs and infiltration games, but occasionnaly other styles too

    IRL I play a lot of TTRPGs and LARPs


    I'm installing mods since childhood (when my mother gifted me Morrowind for my 9th birthday and showed me the ropes ;3)

    I sometimes put my hands inside my PC tower to improve it, but mostly dont understand well what I do since I'm self taught...


    I like to learn and experience new things, and I wanted to dive into the mod creation for quite a time.

    I created this account to do so. I'd like to start by making followers for Skyrim SE (that I retook recently with the last anniversary edition, pleased to see peoples steel makin new mods for it and wanted to finaly try it too)


    That's it !

    Nice to meet you folks o/

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