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Everything posted by undeadpizzaboy

  1. Hello dear viewers and mod downloaders. Recently I was banned from chat, mistreated and ganged up on by several admins. I have decided to halt all production on mods for this site and to also remove all of my current mods from this site and keep them down until my rights in the chat are reinstated and the mark against my name in chat *Forum* is FULLY removed. "Including the post against my name in the forums" These are basic facts, 1. I was kicked once for discussing "illegal things" when what I was discussing isn't even illegal 2. After being told not to discuss it, I stopped 3 After questioning the moderator about the rule in attempt to understand what I had actually done wrong I was banned from chat. and a mark was put against my name. "Which I had read the terms and conditions multiple times and still didn't/don't understand the rule I broke other than basically I was told "A moderator can make up any rules he sees fit and ban you for them." I was basically told this by another admin. 4. This was my first ban ever so, In the process of trying to find out what I could do "because no info was given to me at all in the ban" I Had asked for chat logs multiple times from different admins. "which I still have not received and I still want" Because the ban forum that I eventually received was incredibly biased and misrepresented what i actually said. I was then called "combative", attacked from all sides and banned from the forums for trying to say that the moderator may/could have been wrong. I do not have any proof however, even though I asked multiple times for it from multiple admins. You can follow the posts in "I Was Banned" post as I have nothing to hide. :thumbsup: So in short. I am removing ALL of my contribution to this site until further notice. Vault-Tec Securitron - Multiple Versions, Mojave Meals and More, Camera of Death, Project Stash Houses, and lastly The Eyepatch trait, I apologize for any inconvenience.
  2. @Thandal, thank you for being the first one who actually seems to have read my text, What type of "Contact us" form do I need to make exactly? "It is important to also acknowledge that there may well be rules and etiquette that may not be mentioned here but are still upheld by administrators and moderators of the site." I don't see how I was banned for asking about the exact terms of the rule. I only wanted to know what should/shouldn't be considered acceptable.
  3. "In which case, you would now calmly depart from your combative attitude, and calmly approach Micalov and ask him for clarification regarding the minute details of your chat ban, and what you need to do to have your chat privileges reinstated." Again, I did that already. No response yet. Can I not get a chat log? I have asked 3 times now. Maybe if I underline what I say then people will actually read it. I do not know who to contact to get the chatlog. Which I want. Or info on how to get it would be nice too. Thanks!! I would have screenshotted it, but the chat vanished and I couldn't. 5th time in italics just in case, Can I get a FULL Chat log Please?
  4. Umm..... Seriously? THAT IS OUT OF CONTEXT. Can I get a full chat log and not one that is cropped to be out of context? "either stop trollign and drop the drug talk or you will be removed perminantly" "Look up state laws in Virgina" WAS NOT in reference to drugs.. If you actually read what I said you would know that. And OMG I Stopped talking about it. I was asking which country's laws we use here... I mean seriously.. The rule makes absolutly no sense.. Am I not allowed to ask about the rule at all lol? Shouldn't guns be a bannable offense too? I mean I "Still don't know what I was banned for." I was trying to understand and was banned for it.. Not exactly GREAT moderation I would say.. I guess it is possible I was misunderstood and if so I apologize.. And BlackRampage, you repeating what i know I said "out of context I might add" does not help in the slightest. Good day sir.
  5. Yeah, I still don't even know what Rule I broke.
  6. Yeah. I realize.. And I STOPPED talking about the topic AND apologized. What more do I need to do? "Illicit and illegal" mean TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS in different areas "Which was what I was questioning..." MY BAD. I definitely didn't mean to be offensive to anyone. I was just trying to understand and was banned for it. So yes. I was "combative" or "defensive" I would say. :armscrossed:
  7. I could see how it looks that way but that is not what I was implying. My point is "How am I supposed to know what is legal halfway around the world unless you tell me?" but I was given 0 chance to explain before I was banned. :down:
  8. Wow, I was banned from chat for absolutly no reason.. I was told to stop and said "Okay" and was then repeatedly kicked "Talking about a different topic that is not against rules in any way" and then banned from chat.. Seriously? I mean... Srsly? Wow. The admins don't even read what you say they just ban people.. I suggest looking into that. And I tried to submit a form or whatever but it wouldn't work. There is a chat log yes? Well someone with authority please read it and clear this up. Thankss!
  9. Oh sorry also i did not mean no retexture i meant no replacer sorry for confusion Have nice day
  10. Also i want an ABE tophat to go with the 44 and if possible a presidential suit "black and clean for the hat and suit"
  11. Hello all i had a post before but the name was bad so here is my request' "Project stash houses" my mod needs new shotguns, revolvers,alien tech, i need "alien" activators and new items pretty much i am asking for new fully textured weapons that i can use and hide throughout the world please Pm me for more detail and KEEP entries lore correct "i wont even consider putting in an "mp5" or anything like that. There is A small list of newer weapons i will accept also here are a few i am hoping to get New weapons i will accept 500 mag Ak-47 44 mag with rusty texture-to be called "presidential perforator" Silver Thompson- tommy gun " silver finish" Weapons i hope to see. Blunderbuss Mauser type 7 "chinese pistol" Katana Metal bat Armor Retexture of ranger vet trenchcoat and helmet Activators I need shiny "alien" activators Please no retextures. Send a PM for entry with pix and description of what you want to enter and i will respond ASAP
  12. Hello all if you want check out " project stash houses beta" anyway i need new lore correct weapons and items "no mp5 or m4 and such" i will accept alien tech and new ideas just pm me a pic and description of your weapon or item im pretty sure i can just take your .esp and put it into my mod i will credit and all but my "story may require" a name change if so i will contact you and ask this will give your weapon a "story" as well as fill my mod so if you think you can help PM me Mostly im looking for new unique textures for magnums tommy guns, shotguns , alien tec All textures must be your work and you must be willing to let me use it for Whatever story i want you will get credit but i get to choose how hard it is to get and where i put your item it will most likely be in an area i create being the main reason i will try not to change names unless absolutly nessicary for the story just pm me for entry or more info
  13. Sorry if i was misleading in my post my mod does not have a talking npc i need to learn first but im sure i can. :)
  14. Hello if this is still available when my computer is back up and running i would like to see your lip sync tut. And see if i cant help out you can look at my Project Stash Houses Beta for FNV to see my work i dont cut corners in mods. i wanted to learn voice anyway and if it helps a fellow modder then all the better! Im a quick learn so i know i could help i just have no experience with voice yet so i need to learn lipsync and know how to save the voice file "what type of file, do i need a certain program to record,etc." send me a pm if you want i have a deep guy voice so if my computer isnt fixed soon maybe i can help on a future mod.
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