This request is pretty far fetched. It would require one HELL of a team of talented individuals to pull off even 1/5th of this, but the best things in life always start off as seemingly unreachable. So here goes..... Description: A complete remake of Knights of the Old Republic using Skyrim as the base. Why?: Why not....Character generator is a good start. The ability to make Revan as you see fit. Chiss, Human, Sith, pick your race with inherent benefits and go. Weapons: 1) Melee - Modding Cortosis blades, Vibroblades, Lightsabers would be the easier part of this mod. The melee mechanics would need little tweaking. 2) Guns - Blasters, rifles, carbines..etc. Could a bow be modded to shoot faster, straight with no drop over distance? Arrows could be converted to ammo. Different types of ammo, different types of effects, etc. Could be difficult...maybe impossible. 3) The Force - Magic system is in place with effects. Replace magic meter with force meter...etc. Dragon shouts effect could be tweaked as well for more powerful force powers? Unrelentable Force (Force push), slow time. Lightning could use an FX tweak and you have Sith lightning. Remember when Yoda absorbed the Palpatine's Lightning?.....retweak ward magic's fx and you have that effect! A Jedi or Sith's ability to use the force to move faster and fight faster, Elemental Fury renamed would allows this effect.. They all could be renamed with FX tweaks and you have fully functioning force powers. Fury, fear, marked for death.....these are Sith Powers. Heal others, courage, rally...Jedi powers. The ability to dual wield powers would really bring the Star Wars universe to life! Crafting: 1) Smithing - The ability to modfiy blasters, use crystals and such to modify your can be done. Craft armor and Jedi robes once you learn how. Mandalorian armor if you become skilled enough. 2) Alchemy - Sith alchemy is mentioned more times in the extended Star Wars universe then I can imagine....use your imagination to the ingredients and effects. 3) Enchanting - Again, this existed in the Star Wars universe.....things marked with the powers of the light and dark side of the force. Leveling and Skills: 1) Leveling is in place and doesn't need much of a tweak. 2) Skills could be renamed, new perks added. Ligthsabers, etc would fit perfectly. Archery turns into Ranged with ranged perks. Slow down time as you line up your next blaster shot, dual wield blaster pistols...etc 3) Magic would be turned into the light and dark force powers.Conjuration could summon force spirits. Illusion would allow a Jedi to let the force bathe an individual with calming serenity (Calm) to pacify an angry person. A Sith could use engrage to cause a simple trader to go ballistic as the dark side corrupts his thoughts and he proceeds to murder his wife (Fury power). 4) Skill Books : Simply reskin these to Books about ranged shooting for an increase in ranged skill. A Jedi or Sith Holocron to increase your force powers. Fits pretty nicely doesn't it? The Force: 1) We have the ability to be werewolves and vampires, we have Shrines to gods, we have Stones of Power. Each have effects and are permanent. Modify these abilities and add quests and you can become a champion of the light side with effects like bonuses to light sided powers and reduced dark sided powers. Positive multipliers to speechcraft and persuasion. The Dark Side could replace Lycanthropy. Imagine kneeling before the spirit of Marko Ragnos in a tomb on Korriban, you swear fidelity to the dark side. This marks you as a Dark Lord of the Sith (like taking the werewolf blood in Skyrim). Beds no longer grant you resting bonus, the dark side boils within you preventing the well rested bonus. Bonuses to dark side powers, intimidation, and such would be gained. Maybe access to exclusive dark side powers such as Drain life (like the vampire ability), Force Storm (Storm Call Dragon Shout effect). As a Sith Juggernaut, need to close the distance between you and the mercenary taking potshots at you? Force Jump (Whirlwind Sprint Dragon shout) will work just fine. Want to become a Force Ghost (Become Ethereal Dragon Shout) works flawlessly for this effect. The Shouts could all be turned into force powers practically! Followers: After a worldwide terrain and NPC redecorating pass, the follower system is in place. Modify it to fit to the best of our abilities 1) Trainers : Force powers could be trained by going to trainers who are Jedi or Acolytes of the dark side. 2) Ranged: Learned from mercenaries, Mandalorians, etc. The World: 1) Each planet could be crafted. Towns added, dungeons, npc's such as Tusken Raiders roaming Tatooine. Hell, for you users who couldn't give up fighting dragons you're in luck. Tatooine is inhabited with Krayt Dragons. Reskin the existing dragons and you can still fight our winged friends to your hearts content. Loot some Krayt Pearls for some crafting goodness! The Galaxy: The Ebon Hawk (Revan's ship) would be used like a carriage. It would "fast travel" to locations that you cannot walk to. Simply split the "worlds" into different areas separated from each other. Tatooine, Dantoine, Korriban, etc. Each with it's own set of unique dungeons, NPC's, enemies, wildlife, etc. Dragon Soul's: The story, for those of you who have never been lucky enough to enjoy KOTOR it involves.... SPOILER ALERT.... SPOILER ALERT: Revolves around Revan regaining his memory. If we can mod the Word of Power walls we can make them into the Star Maps on each world. When you find them, you absorb your "memory" back and can use it to unlock your "potentional." Want to power up force push, slow time, speed up you melee strikes,etc....use your "memory" and do so. This idea could be expanded. Perhaps Revan regains memory from killing critically important foes such as Darth Bandon (Malak's apprentice), etc. Jedi Civil War: Kotor revolves around the Jedi Civil War. The Republic vs the forces of Malak and his Sith Armada. Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yes, there is a civil war mechanic already in place within Skyrim. The Empire becomes the Republic, the Stormcloaks become the Sith Empire. Take part in the civil war, lead your forces across the galaxy as you claim Korriban for the Sith or perhaps Tatooine for the Republic? I am not a modder. I have no skills whatsoever to see this dream come true. What I do possess is a very active imagination. The pieces for this puzzle are already in place. How many times have you fired off your lightning spell imagining "UNLIMITED POWER!". Sorry about this last But seriously, this dream of a mod would take time, a lot of dedicated and VERY skilled modders, but it would be amazing. Modders remain some of the most imaginative and creative people this world has in it. Could this happen, or better yet, could YOU make this happen?