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About N3VTr0N

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  1. I've installed SKSE on a clean Skyrim. RIght after that I Installed Nexus Mod Manager and downloaded SkUI. Double clicking shows "success" message - there was no additional installation window for mod. And I can't see any modified UI in game. I did like this guy: (9:30) But I didn't had this black SKyUI installation window. Help, please :sad: @EDIT: OK so I fixed it. I have accidentaly unpacked the .7zip archiwer and than packed it to .rar before importing the mod to NMM. Using .7zip archieve fixed my problem, but now it says something about papyrus and I have 2 sec lag when opening inventory. Oh and the install window for the mod didn't show up as well. (Maybe newer version got this removed?)
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