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Everything posted by MikeInWare

  1. Apparently the game has been leaked according to various online PC gaming sites
  2. :laugh: One of them the security data breach? :pirate:
  3. In response to post #82016448. #82018443, #82038358, #82065273 are all replies on the same post. He's upset because of the pirating accusation.
  4. In response to post #81916563. #81983618, #81987858, #81991703, #82015728, #82059653, #82072108, #82097373 are all replies on the same post. Modders are free to work together on ModPak's and do a better job than the underground ones. Undercut the prices of those teams and gain customers. Competition is good. It's also best to focus on paying customers instead of people stealing from you.
  5. In response to post #81916563. #81983618, #81987858 are all replies on the same post. They will make it work and get in line as the profits for ModPaks for the coming new Elder Scrolls "sequel" to Skyrim will be insane. I am absolutely confident that there will be vast amounts of ModPaks despite the challenges. If older modders balk they can be left out of the profits and a new generation of open minded modders can step in and earn profit collaborating on ModPaks.
  6. I am eager for ModPaks in the future! Now with kids I don't have time to screw around with mods to get it perfect and am willing to pay for the ModPak to save my time.
  7. In response to post #81861268. #81861513, #81863428, #81866323, #81867173, #81871478, #81887973, #81891508, #81891543, #81901603, #81904903 are all replies on the same post. You want them to dumb Vortex down enough for you to understand because you don't want to relearn a new mod manager. I have been learning Vortex and yes it's a pain in the ass to learn at times but once I got it it's far more powerful than NMM ever was.
  8. Very dissatisfied with how long it took to notify us. Should be hours not weeks!. Do better.
  9. I use a minimum of 3fa on every website.
  10. In response to post #73089893. #73437623 is also a reply to the same post. My guess it will be 100% seamless by ES6
  11. The killer app for Vortex will be modpacks. It will suck in individual mods and create a "one click" install for newbies. Which is good!
  12. In response to post #72686218. #72735413, #72830348, #72854378, #72864088, #72885228, #72889143 are all replies on the same post. I am eager to see the first alpha of the mod manager you are working on Arthmoor. I became excited when I heard the news on Discord.
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