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About DarthSidious666

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  1. Thank you for clearing this up. I didn't know this user was banned it's a good job I asked first! So obviously the content was stolen (probably from the original game without permission) or ripped off in some form or other. Ah well, back to the drawing board.
  2. Try testing the game using a different screen recorder and see if it reoccurs. Sometimes the screen recording software creates the glitches.
  3. Hi everyone, I am desperately trying to find the author of the original mod so I can ask permission for converting it to Skyrim SE. The problem is I think the mod (and it's author?) have since disappeared and I can't seem to track the author down. The mod's name is silverknight but I don't think it's related to this mod here as it is a converted Lineage 2 armour set. The only clue I have is jacksh which is attached to the folder within the BSA. Can anyone help? Also how are mods classified as abandoned and such, I don't want to upload this and be accused of theft. If someone can clarify these issues I have that would be great. Many thanks.
  4. Could be possible to write an fx shader file to do this using ReShade, sadly I'm no programmer, but it might be theoretically be possible. As the Skyrim SE engine is between Skyrim and Fallout 4 (call it Skyrim 1.5 if you will) it won't support the fallout 4 files (obviously). At a guess I'd have a look at the new shaders implemented in Skyrim SE and see if one could be used for the effect as I remember they added dx11 shader functionality to the new(er) engine.
  5. Anyone found a skin SSS Shader for Reshade yet? Best way to find out whether SE Skyrim can match up to Skyrim is by testing. I've managed to get about 25% of the mods I have on Skyrim (so far) to play nice with SE Skyrim and the best bit is the much improved stability in se skyrim. Every 2 hours roughly in Skyrim it would crash to desktop. In SE Skyrim it only crashed when incompatible mods were installed but they were easy culprits to weed out and uninstall (due to the fact they were always last in the loading order. The lighting system although subtle is a nice feature (yeah it should have been there from the beginning imo). The only issue I'm having really is that there isn't an Mod Organiser version for SE Skyrim, the NMM can be very messy so it will be nice to see the rebuilt version when its done.
  6. This statement below is just an OPINION (OK?) There is Reshade which works really well the guy who made it has added a lot of effects for it and it's possible it could even be a replacement to the older ENB engine (to each their own of course) I had likes and dislikes about the ENB engine that Boris created, some of the effects were awesome (Subsurface scattering shader), some were extremely laggy and poorly optimized. It's good in its own way but I found it ate too much of my frame rate (I do have a powerful GPU anyway (GTX 980m 8GB). Skyrim SE plays much nicer now that it's using a 64-bit render target solution.
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