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  1. when you see something you realy want and think if you can'd use the console to get enough money to buy it.
  2. Banned for wanting to be considered crazy :biggrin:
  3. Granted, but it melted. I wish I didn't have to reinstall my windows again.
  4. Granted, now only YOU are retarded. I wish for global peace.
  5. That error happens usually when you pause/unpause a download. Have you tried to let it run for some time when its "frozen"? Maybe it just seems frozen?
  6. you have problems with your Internet connection? Like, it sometimes stop working for some time?
  7. mobotium


    never liked that game...
  8. Granted, but suddenly, you wake up to realize it was all a dream. I wish I didn't need to go to work next week
  9. Granted, but you go to jail cuz it was stolen. I wish my Internet was twice as fast.
  10. Granted, but you can only see black and white. I wish I was a billionaire.
  11. OR just find an enemy. Once they enter combat it fixes itself. Works for me at least.
  12. When I first installed MMM I had NO Idea about night ghouls (didn't read most of the description LOL) I jumped on my chair as with my level4 character I saw red and withe things running at me at night. I was also pretty freaked out the first time I saw a deathclaw and one of those baby traps. Also, wen I'm out in the wastes by my lonesome and suddenly FLIIISH and I turn around to find an albino radscorpion had sneaked up on me. The ....dam....THINGS.....just......don't.....DIE!!!!!!
  13. Thanks guys, that makes my idea much easier to accomplish. :thumbsup: +Kudos
  14. I've got a huge mod idea, but before I can even start doing it, I need to ask: Is it possible to have a piece of armor that you cant equip with any weapon ? If so, is it possible to have a weapon only appear in your inventory when you have that armor on? If so, is it possible to have that weapon automatically equip itself every time you use that armor? Finally, is it possible to have that armor un-unequipable (if you get what I mean)? - As in, when you get it you equip it automatically and cant change your armor until its removed by a script?
  15. Thats actualy a slave which prepares trog meat and water as food to the oter slaves. You can get more info about here
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