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  1. I'm trying to set a customized backpack in the game. I edited leather backpack mesh a long time ago, and generated the havok data in Bledner IIRC. After quite a period of time decided to return to the backpack, but now I see that the havok looks rather scary: That's how it looks from the inside of the mesh: I guess the huge amount of invisible havok edges can cause performance hit. Can anyone advize me how to replace current havok data with somewthing more simple - maybe just a box or something like that? Is it possible to do it using Nifskope? I used to remeber some tricks on how to work with tools, but forgot most of it over the couple of years.
  2. Hey everyone, I have an idea about skill rebalance of sorts, which requires adding a new skill into the game. So far I had no luck in doing so and acutally stumbled upon info that it is impossible to expand number of skills present in vanilla. Is that true? Mabye somebody had tried that and had more luck? I found screens on Facebook page of some mod which gives me hope (it's in russian though). Maybe there is a workaround to this issue? I asked on the mod page, but so far had no answer.
  3. Hello, could somebody point me to a mod that cuts the desert ranger's dusters, turning them into jackets? I think I saw it once, but maybe I was just hallucinating or something.
  4. I'm trying to get along with Blender, but it seems that env maps are getting jealous. Sometimes, when I make a simple edit to a mesh, those maps move a small angle. Nothing too extreme, but still makes me sad. Example: I've tried to remove a cap from empty beer bottle (creating an empty beer bottle mesh by doing so, no less). Everything is good, I succesfully export it and stuff, but env maps start to look wrong, like those rays now are not vertical. (Edited mesh is on the top image, vanilla, yeah, on the bottom one) I'm not good with Blender (huh, you bet) etc. So can anyone help me with this issue, please? Good advice is much appreciated. P.S: also, I noticed that after doing any changes to newly imported mesh, vertex paint (I guess it is vertex paint - those shadows seen in Blender, right?) changed, though rather imperceptibly.
  5. Well, the problem with weapon mods (I mean, ingame mods), is that I'm not sure if there is a function to actually check if there is a weapon mod installed on a weapon. And, there was a mod like ATTT for FO3. Even without weapon mods, its script (though it has only one script) is just huge, so it is a hard task in terms of scipting as well. But from what I understand devinpatterson is working on something like this.
  6. "Umm, hello there, %PCName. My name is %Name. I know a thing or two about repair works, so if you need something fixed, just ask. Whoa, what's this? Never saw this gun before, is it from Old World Blues DLC or something? Can I repair it? For sure, hold a sec..." So here's the idea - is it possible for NPC's who offer repairing services to have a specialization? Like, for example, Major Knight can repair firearms, melee and light to medium armor, but can't energy weapons, power armor and powerfists? I always imagine it that NPC is actually repairing stuff with his instruments, not like PC - by fusing together two pieces of equipment. So it seems illogical to me that NPC's-repairman can fix everything you give him. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but let's just talk hypothetically - can it be done? I was thinking about having "exclusion" formlists, and before repair menu opens, if you have something on this list, it gets removed, and is returned after closing the repair menu similar to casino equipment removal works.
  7. Hey, thanks for all of the advices. But I was thinking, instead of adding a variable, about replacing player inventory checks with a new container checks, so instead of lines like: player.getitemcount Stimpak > 0 player.removeitem Stimpak etc, it would be like (with "SuitContStim" being a name for a Container): SuitContStim.getitemcount Stimpak > 0 SuitContStim.removeitem Stimpak And adding a portion of the script about filling compartment with simpaks. Would this work? I was also thinking, since Suit can administer Med-X as well, to have basically a container menu opening when loading chems, So it's up to player to decide how many Simpaks and Med-X to "load", within container capacity of course. The only problem here is that I don't know how to make player able to add only stimpaks and Med-X.
  8. Well, in fact I did both. Though I understand what you're talking about :laugh:
  9. Hi, I was thinking about OWB Stealth Suit, specifically it's stimpak administration function, and thought it would be fun to make it a bit less useful :laugh:. The general idea is to make Suit have sort of a "Stimpak compartment", where a limited number of stimpaks (say, five or six) can be stored for automated administration. option to open up container upon equipping Stealth Suit, where the player would have to "load" stimpaks. So when player's health drops, Suit would administer stimpaks from this container, instead of players inventory. Can somebody help me with a scripting - maybe just a main idea on how to implement it? I know a thing or two about geck scripts, but not that advanced to do it on my own.
  10. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35101//? Maybe this mod could provide any help to you? Also, welcome back!
  11. I meant if there is a lot of work and you need some spare hands or something, 'cause I don't think I know more than you about both geck and blender :)
  12. Well, I never played Halo (yeah, shame on me, I know) but I guess the general idea somewhat similar. I guess revamping vanilla weapons wiould be really hard I know, but still I like the idea. I was thinking about Vault 22, where there is a conviniently placed Flamethrower, so it could be awesome to just pick it up, burn all the m^$*&*ckers, drop it and go away. But it's just thoughts, and they kinda aren't related to this mod. And yeah, I'm not that much of a use, but I know a few basics about Geck and Blender, so if you need some help, I will be happy to be at service.
  13. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40285//? Something like this, maybe?
  14. I don't think it's worth the trouble, acutally. They don't have any holster animations, and considering their bulky appearance, plus having backpacks on some of them - don't see many options on how they even could be holstered. Just as random idea, I think when you finish your mod, it would be awesome to make a separate plugin that will turn those weapons (flamer, gatling laser, plasma caster etc.) in more of a "heavy combat, but slow to travel" thingies. In my opinion, it would seem appropriate to make them drop upon holstering, but to give them even more power. So if you know there is going to be some great battle, you take your gatling, if you just exploring - then stick to pistol/knife/rifle combo. After all, you can use pack brahmin mod so it will be the poor animal carrying your heavy weaponry.
  15. Yet another bunch of info on that one. As mentioned pages before, there was a mod exactly like this for FO3, but there was some serious conflict between mod author and moderators of Nexus, so it was banned (if I recall correctly, the reason of the conflict was that someone left some rude comment on mod authors page, and he reacted in the same manner). Anyway, here's the link to the mod (hope I'm not violating any rules): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jSpjJnA89o As you can read, he's not going to port it over to NV. What's more, I did some "research" myself, and I don't know if this possible at all, though I'm not good with scripting. The problem lies in weapon mods - they are hard-coded (as far as I know), and I don't know if there is a way for a script to check what mods are installed on a weapon. There is a very complex script in the original mod, covering many weapons, and adding all those variantions with weapon mods will be a hell of a work.
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