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About mrtibbs9

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  1. Try Combat Tweaks, not the mod itself if you dont want, but under optional files try the area scaling + creature scaling, it comes with 3 settings, 1 being easiest, but still harder than normal nightmare, and 3 being pretty damn tough. I personally use setting two without the combat tweaks mod and it is pretty difficult, even though I created some slightly op items for personal use.
  2. Do you have a warrior with rally on, while your moving whenever a party member moves out of then back into range of rally it plays an annoyingly loud bang noise.
  3. What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up. You mean just the one showing ownership, or the entire list of lines associated with it? I did the entire lines associated with it, they are bracketed by </addinitem>, just dont have duplicates of that line, if you have multiple other mods in your addin you can easily tell how to correctly create a duplicate entry.
  4. What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up.
  5. Try copying the resources for those mods from the addins folder to the core/overide folder. I would try it myself and let you know the results but im currently im the middle of a playthrough to prepare.
  6. I see, I took a look at the mod you mentioned, and I noticed it contained a mmh, which I think is a model, and a dds which I dont know what it is, maybe texture. I have the natural bodies mod, but those are .msh, is there anyway to replace the model of a certain armor with a natural bodies model so i dont have an invisible body? Sorry I'm knew to all this.
  7. Hey, I have been trying for the past few days to make an armor that when you wear it it doesnt show up, meaning equiping it the char appears as if they had no armor. But whatever I did the texture was just invisible, making my character a floating head and limbs. Anybody know how you would go about this, I extracted the msh, say ef_nud etc. and renamed it to an armor in the override and equipped that armor but it did not work. Any help on how to do this would be appreciated.
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