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Posts posted by GhostOfYork

  1. I've tried finding a way to do this, but all I find in searches and Google are posts about people trying to get RID of their screen stretching.


    Basically, I'm running Skyrim at 1366x768 widescreen on a laptop, but this resolution is a big laggy for my taste. When I try to edit my .ini to run at 800x600, it simply plays the game in a 800x600 window at the top left of my screen (doesn't even center it to where there are black borders on both sides) and leaves the remaining middle/bottom right full of black.


    I want to run it at 800x600 and stretch to fill the screen. I don't mind any of the graphical downsides or any of that.


    Anyone have any ideas on how I could manage this? Honestly, I wouldn't even mind an alternative method where it fills up most of the screen to retain some pixel quality. I just can't play squinting at a quarter of my screen like that.


    (Protip: If it makes any difference, I am using whatever that fix is that allows you to fill the screen in window mode.)

  2. I think it's hit or miss, really. I feel like if you're the type of person that wants the grand tour 100% modded Skyrim experience in one click, you've come to the wrong place. I agree with Nivea, there's a literal degree of blood, sweat and tears that these authors have burned through to churn out what essentially are just labors of love -- no one is paying them to give you this experience; the least you can do is follow the bread trail and educate yourself a little.

    I've been modding less than two weeks and for the most part I get the basics, intermediate and some of the advanced methods that are used in this form of medium, and only an hour or so of it was spent reading tutorials. It's a mantra and ritual of sorts; you work for what you get, and the community here seems very understanding of this.


    I posted a couple CTD issues here in the past week and was actually content to find that no one responded, because it forced me to find the issues and kinks myself, and I'm now all the more knowledgeable because of it. I wasn't expecting a one-click quick fix; it took time and understanding. I waded into some seriously unfamiliar waters, but I'm better off having made the leap in the long run, as it wasn't as difficult as I had initially thought and I walked away feeling triumphant of my victory.


    It's an experience I really think every modder or mod user here should go through (or has gone through) at least once, because that's all it takes. In all the time people spend posting issues without considering anomalies in their loadouts or knowing what it means to clean dirty edits, they could've surfed the forums (or the rest of the web as I did) and addressed both issues.

    Do you know that it took me two full days from my first vanilla Skyrim install just to tweak the preferences and ini files to get it to run comfortably the way I wanted? I hadn't even touched mods yet and I was already dedicated. It's a deeper spirit that stems from the love of the game that drives you to put work into it so you can revel in the eventual payoff.


    So again, if people really want a quick fix/one click modded Skyrim, I say they've come to the wrong place with the wrong attitude.

  3. First off, this is not a CTD issue whatsoever. Secondly, my files have already been completely cleaned through LOOT, Wrye Bash and TESEdit. Therefore, I do not believe any of those to be the cause of this issue (though that does not necessarily mean I am ruling it out as a possibility.)


    Plain and simple, I can play the game for a decent amount of time but occasionally when I try to enter DLC areas like Dawnguard Fortress, the loading screen hangs infinitely.


    I don't have any unofficial patches installed, but here's my loadout if it helps.

    Behemoth Giant Creatures - Skyrim Behemoths

    Behemoth The Feathered Dragon

    Bellyaches New Dragon Species

    LEVIATHAN Creatures of the Deep

    The Shoggoth New Creatures in Skyrim

    Werewolves Occuring Naturally

    Skeleton XP32 Maximum Extended

    3rd Person Fake Dodge

    Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix

    Choose the combat speed for you and opponents v40 (going to remove this soon as it is superceded by SkyTweaks)

    Combat Drama Overhaul

    Feminine Running and New Dash Animation

    Male Idle Animation Replacer

    New Animation for Running with Bow

    Pretty Female Idles

    Respectful Guard Animations

    Sit animation - pose 1 final handclipping fix

    The Best Male Idle Animations

    The Dance of Death 4.0

    Unarmed Warfare

    YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight

    YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander Female Ver.

    YY Anim Replacer - Natural Jump

    Dread Hunter and Huntress Armor Echo

    HN66s Earrings

    Incarnate Creatures

    Insanitys Mask

    Lustmord Vampire Armor

    Mask of Blades (Easily my FAVORITE mod in this entire list)

    Nightmare Armor by Hentai

    Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE

    TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim

    Better Weapon Swing Sounds - BWS

    Improved Combat Sounds

    Level Up Sound Effect Replacer

    New Voice Packs for Additional Player Voices by Nanahane

    Personalized Music No Vanilla (Main Mod, Dawnguard, Player Home and Temple addons)

    Player Voicesets - Main File Fixed

    Singing Autotune Bears

    SoS Sounds of Skyrim (Civlization, Dungeons and Wilds)

    Swearing Mudcrabs

    Invisible Eyes Glitchfix

    Dragon Lords Castle

    Dragonsmount (Currently not active)

    Blitz Console Commands - MCM

    Console Books

    Jump Higher - Hull Engineer Standalone

    Pickpocket Always Successful

    Ring of Invisibility

    Unlock All Perks (bat skillget)

    Cloaks of Skyrim

    Face Masks of Skyrim

    Vampire Sun Trinkets

    Deadly Combat

    TK Dodge Mod 1.22

    Faster Arrows


    Garm the Husky Companion (White)

    Aurora and Twilight Followers (Currently not active)

    Better Stealth AI For Followers

    Victoria Velina Follower

    Miraak Dragonborn Follower

    Achieve That!

    Better Archery Eagle Eye Perk

    Better INI Tweaks for Skyrim

    Command Dragon - Ultimate Dragon Riding

    Move it Dammit fot NPC Companions and Followers

    Proper Aiming

    Run For Your Lives

    Sensitive Aiming

    Training Per Level

    ApachiiSkyHair v.15

    ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul 2.20 (and color mismatch fix for elven races)

    ECE Enhanced Character Edit

    Eyes of Beauty

    Eyes of Beauty Dawnguard Update

    Eyes of Beauty PLAYER

    Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

    Player Headtracking

    Take Notes Dragonborn Journal

    Menno Hair Flowers

    Animated Enchantments Overhaul

    Akavir Creatures

    Brawl Bug Plugin

    Better Males

    Bloody Dragon Bones

    Fair Skin Complexion for UNP 7.6

    Milkdrinker Male Texture for Better Males

    Radioragae's Younger Male Face Project

    UNPK TBBP Body

    Amazing Follower Tweaks

    Deathwing Inspired Alduin

    Interesting NPCs (Currently not active, never been installed or activated yet because I don't want to wait like 3 hours)

    Delphine Makeover by Hoax

    RS Children Overhaul

    LiFE - Lith Face Enhancement CBBE-UNP v10

    More Perk Points Per Level and Dragonsouls to Perk Points

    Ultimate Dragons


    ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer

    Als Shadow Walk

    Hidespots 0.2

    Secret Entrances 1.1

    Sneak Attack Heartbeat SFX


    Color Mismatch Fix for Humans and Bretons

    kuSMF merged with MCM

    A Matter of Time

    A Thinner Compass

    Better MessageBox Controls

    iWASM Immersive Wait and Sleep Menu

    KenMOD - Navi Cursor v1

    Replace Loading Screen Fog with Snow

    Simple Crosshair - Normal


    Smaller Cursor

    Uncle Sheogorath's Really Helpful Hints and Tips

    Unread Books Glow

    Vendor Sale Delay GONE v2

    Colorful Lights - No Shadows - More FPS

    Enhanced Blood Textures

    Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem

    Blackjack - A Thief Weapon

    Dwarven Sniper Bows v1.8

    Glowing Arrows

    Hell Sword v1

    Nameless Light by FavoredSoul

    Skycutter by FavoredSoul

    Sword of the Ancient Tongues

    Torch Arrows - Dawnguard

    Warglaive of Azzinoth

    Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and Armor


  4. So lately I've been having issues with (seemingly) random CTDs and load lags where the game hangs on the loading screen when I try to enter/exit buildings. The only way I can access areas safely is to fast travel to them and even that isn't consistent. There are also random CTDs when I'm just running around exploring and other times such as the Alduin scene at Kynesgrove. Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest clue what could be causing it and it seems that no matter what mods I activate/uninstall, the problem persists. I also can't start a new game, but I believe this is due to something that bypasses the intro sequence and perhaps one of the mods conflicting with it.


    I run a decent-ish laptop setup. AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300/3GB RAM with integrated ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 series card. I have tweaked the hell out of my Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs inis to fix the movement stutter of fullscreen, remove shadows completely and the game runs very decently 90% of the time. I am also running the latest Skyrim build ( with all three Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Hearthfire DLCs. I am not using the Steam version but rather a D2D backup.


    For reference, I have never used any programs like TESEdit or ENB presets or any of that stuff. I have only used NMM and manual installation methods for these mods and a few others (which I have previously removed out of suspecting they were the cause, only to currently find they weren't.) Therefore, I have never done anything like "mod cleanup" or anything to that effect and haven't read much on it because I don't want to make things worse than they are by misunderstanding something else.


    I have done my best to observe the compatibility between the majority of the mods I use, but I may have overlooked a few things.


    If anyone could lend some knowledge on the issue, I'd greatly appreciate it. (I would prefer not to reinstall a clean Skyrim for a fix, but if need be I will. In this event, if someone could provide information on the cleanest/most stable way to retain the majority of these mods while removing these issues altogether, well...I'd love you forever and give you a sweetroll.)



    Here's my mod loadout, in exact order. (I am running the latest build of SKSE as well.)


    Behemoth Giant Creatures - Skyrim Behemoths

    LEVIATHAN Creatures of the Deep

    Macho Dragons 1.0 (Currently not active)

    The Shoggoth New Creatures in Skyrim

    Werewolves Occuring Naturally

    Dread Hunter and Huntress Armor Echo

    HN66s Earrings

    Incarnate Creatures

    Lustmord Vampire Armor

    Mask of Blades (Easily my FAVORITE mod in this entire list)

    Nightmare Armor by Hentai

    Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE

    TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim

    Better Weapon Swing Sounds - BWS

    Improved Combat Sounds

    Level Up Sound Effect Replacer

    New Voice Packs for Additional Player Voices by Nanahane

    Personalized Music No Vanilla (Main Mod, Dawnguard, Player Home and Temple addons)

    Player Voicesets - Main File Fixed

    SoS Sounds of Skyrim (Civlization, Dungeons and Wilds)

    Swearing Mudcrabs

    Invisible Eyes Glitchfix

    Dragon Lords Castle

    Dragonsmount (Currently not active)

    Blitz Console Commands - MCM

    Console Books

    Jump Higher - Hull Engineer Standalone

    Pickpocket Always Successful

    Ring of Invisibility

    Unlock All Perks (bat skillget)

    Cloaks of Skyrim

    TK Dodge Mod 1.22

    Faster Arrows


    Garm the Husky Companion (White)

    Aurora and Twilight Followers (Currently not active)

    Better Stealth AI For Followers

    Victoria Velina Follower

    Miraak Dragonborn Follower

    Achieve That!

    Better Archery Eagle Eye Perk

    Better INI Tweaks for Skyrim

    Command Dragon - Ultimate Dragon Riding

    Move it Dammit fot NPC Companions and Followers

    Proper Aiming

    Run For Your Lives

    Sensitive Aiming

    Training Per Level

    ApachiiSkyHair v.15

    ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul 2.20 (and color mismatch fix for elven races)

    ECE Enhanced Character Edit

    Eyes of Beauty

    Eyes of Beauty Dawnguard Update

    Eyes of Beauty PLAYER

    Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

    Player Headtracking

    Take Notes Dragonborn Journal

    Menno Hair Flowers

    Animated Enchantments Overhaul

    Akavir Creatures

    Brawl Bug Plugin

    Better Males

    Bloody Dragon Bones

    Fair Skin Complexion for UNP 7.6

    Milkdrinker Male Texture for Better Males

    Radioragae's Younger Male Face Project

    UNPK TBBP Body

    Amazing Follower Tweaks

    Deathwing Inspired Alduin

    Interesting NPCs (Currently not active, never been installed or activated yet because I don't want to wait like 3 hours)

    Delphine Makeover by Hoax

    RS Children Overhaul

    LiFE - Lith Face Enhancement CBBE-UNP v10

    More Perk Points Per Level and Dragonsouls to Perk Points

    Ultimate Dragons


    ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer

    Als Shadow Walk

    Hidespots 0.2

    Secret Entrances 1.1

    Sneak Attack Heartbeat SFX


    Color Mismatch Fix for Humans and Bretons

    kuSMF merged with MCM

    A Matter of Time

    A Thinner Compass

    Better MessageBox Controls

    iWASM Immersive Wait and Sleep Menu

    KenMOD - Navi Cursor v1

    Replace Loading Screen Fog with Snow

    Simple Crosshair - Normal


    Smaller Cursor

    Uncle Sheogorath's Really Helpful Hints and Tips

    Unread Books Glow

    Vendor Sale Delay GONE v2

    Colorful Lights - No Shadows - More FPS

    Enhanced Blood Textures (Currently not active)

    Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem

    Blackjack - A Thief Weapon

    Dwarven Sniper Bows v1.8

    Hell Sword v1

    Nameless Light by FavoredSoul

    Skycutter by FavoredSoul

    TERA Weapons Collection for Skyrim (Currently not active)

    Torch Arrows - Dawnguard

    Warglaive of Azzinoth

    Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and Armor



    There are also some random names in my plugin list and I'm not sure what they belong to or function with.


    Random Plugins







  5. I hear a lot of people are actually against modding Skyrim, as well as other games. What do you think? Has your Skyrim experience been more or less enjoyable with the inclusion of modding?

    I'll say from my side, it's a bit half and half. I enjoyed what I could play, but it's not very stable and I'll be damned if I can't go 5 minutes without CTD or some other game-breaking issue.

  6. Does this only happen when you run the normal launcher or even with SKSE?

    It CTDs on load, regardless of whether I load from SKSE, launcher or even TESV itself.


    Edit: I just checked my NMM, apparently my load order had re-checked everything so the NoVanilla was blending in with the Vanilla .esp's. I fixed all the ticking, but the issue still persists. I got it to load up once earlier, but the shadows were back (I previously had them completely eradicated with the "Colorful Lights - No Shadows - More FPS" mod, but now it won't load even with that checked or not.


    Edit: So I fixed the CTD on load issue, loading an old save worked fine. Apparently it had something to do with the fact that it reset/reticked all of my NMM .esps which included Aurora Companion and my save had me standing right in front of her.


    However, now the shadows are back. Previously, I had NO shadows whatsoever using the aforementioned Colorful Lights mod along with some tweaks. Any ideas on how to permanently remove them again?


    Edit: Okay, so I fixed the shadows issue by tweaking with SkyrimPrefs again...except now I have an even worse error.


    The interior cell of my save is fine, but when I go outside into Markarth, there are various polygons that disappear and reappear, including the floor, mountains, walls, and my character's body. This happens regardless of first or third perspective.


    Any ideas?

  7. So I've got around 30 or so mods going and I've never had an issue with this before.


    Recently, I decided, after using SKSE to run Skyrim every time, that I'd open up the normal Skyrim launcher, just once to open the data files to see if I could run the game with high texture quality instead of low.


    When I tried to reload again for testing the textures (through SKSE/NMM launcher), I came to find that my mods are all wonked.


    I have Personalized Music No Vanilla, yet Skyrim's vanilla music blends in to the loading screens all of a sudden. And I CTD every single time I try to load a game.


    So I replaced the Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs files, reverted the launcher data files back to low texture quality, and I am still running into this issue. CTD on load every single time.


    Any ideas? I'd prefer to not reinstall Skyrim and handpick each mod over again.


  8. I'm not sure what the issue is, but lately I've been checking out some mods that alter the main menu appearance/music. No matter which mod I choose, the background is always super low-res despite being fullscreen (though I believe this is a result of using the mod that forces windowed mode to fill screen to remove mouse acceleration/movement stutter). But my primary issue lies elsewhere.

    No matter what mod or music used, the main menu music will not change.


    I have used various different songs converted to xwm format and none seem to take, even the ones where the mod changes the music on it's own. It is always the default Dovahkin/drum build up.


    Any ideas?

  9. So I'm having this issue...I'm not sure if it's associated with UVIII or not, as I have tried deactivating it, and this still persists.


    Anytime I try to do an attack, be it UVIII or vanilla, first or third person, my attacks are centered. What this means is that if I attack forward, and then try to turn in any direction, the camera will drag me back to face the forward position I was in when I started the attack. I am directionally locked, and not able to turn until the animation finishes.

    I know this is not right, as I have seen several animation/attack/combat videos where players are bobbing and weaving in and out of combat without any issue similar to this.

    Any ideas?


    EDIT: Fixed. Found "Unidirectional Attack" script compiled alongside some other mod running in the background. Mods feel free to close.

  10. I apologize if this is already an old, tired issue, but I wasn't having any luck searching for a fix and was hoping some of you seasoned folks could help me figure this one out.

    The Issue: My female imperial player character has gone silent. There are no sounds played for regular attacks, power attacks, on hit, fall damage, etc.

    (Note: This is NOT a result of the 'Silent Voice' mod for PC. I have never installed that.)

    The only two mods I've installed I can think of that may or may not be causing this:

    Colourwheels' Sexy Female Battle Grunts

    Companion Sound Sets (Calisto, Edwin)


    However, I have tried de-activating and deleting these mods, but even this yields no results even in a fresh save/NG. If at all possible, I'd like to fix this without having to reinstall Oblivion brand new again.

    I use NMM and am unsure of the problemHelp!

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