I'm looking for someone to work with me on new mod's I have 2 in the works and 2 more that I have published. the reason for this is that I do not have the time to learn scripting because life also it means I can focus on the story and how the mod works. Skill Level :- to be honest I don't have have a set level required but I good knowledge/skill level, if you can give me and idea of your level then go from there. This is not just a small help you will be credited and it will be as a team not as one person getting some help, if you have an idea of how the mod should go then say, if you know people who could help then say it is a team after all. link to my mods :- http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14191/? - Blood Packs. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13515/? - Trailer Home If you would like to know more message me or comment here. sorry if this is in the wrong place.