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Everything posted by XxBastetxX

  1. Just editing the coalesced won't work for a custom class. I recall that there was a guide for how to create a custom class on the bioware-forum but I am not sure if it is still available somewhere, since the forum is down. I'll take a look if I have the guide still saved somewhere. I changed most of my classes somehow to fit what I imagined to be my respective Shepards fighting-style but kept them mostly close to their original class.
  2. Hey there, I have a Problem with some Textures, specifically the CTHI one, the black starter Gear. Normally the textures for the female one are in the texplorer located under the path biog_hmf_arm_cth_r But instead of the hmf-files they are called hmm, the male ones therefore. In the separate cthi-folder (the one which isn´t a subfolder) there are the hmm-files too. So I have the Male Textures twice but none of the females. I have tryed to repair my game, use my backups, I even reinstalled the whole game. Nothing helped, the hmf-files are still gone. I tryed to replace them anyhow with the Textures I want to use, but it doesn´t effect the ingame look, I have still the original textures. Does anyone know how I can rename the files to the female variant or has another Idea how I can get the hmf-files back?
  3. Hi KFreon, I tryed to convert a DXT5 via the TPFTools like you suggested, but alltough it says File saved at the end, it doesn´t change anything. If i try to create the DXT1 in a new file it simply doesn´t create it.
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