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Nexus Mods Profile

About kurt91

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  1. Could somebody make a mod that adds a craft-able ring, doll, or some other item that, when placed in an orphan's inventory, prevents them from playing their "woe is me" type dialogue? Here's the reasoning... I was looking for a multiple-adoption mod, and saw that the limit caps out at six adopted kids, even with mods. Well, lots of mods add additional adoptable children, and you end up hearing their pitiful cries every time you walk by. I read about somebody coming up with the idea to use one mod to forcibly recruit the child as a Follower, then using "My Home is Your Home" to set their home location before "firing" them as a follower. This essentially gave the child a place to live, and they'll sandbox appropriately, but they continue giving their dialogue about being homeless and wanting a place to live. So, I figured that if there was a ring, or more appropriately a doll or toy of some sort, that would prevent them from saying their "adopt me" lines when it was in their inventory, you could essentially turn you player homes into small makeshift orphanages, and even have followers set to each of those homes to act as a caretaker/parent of sorts. Not as in-depth as a full adoption, but you'd still be able to give those kids a roof over their heads. (Also adds an incentive to add more player homes and custom followers)
  2. Okay, this may sound a bit weird, but I've been sort of role-playing the same character across Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. Well, role-playing in the sense that I've got everything planned out, but I'm still playing FO3 and New Vegas at the moment using TTW. The thing is, while I picked out a preset character design that I really liked in FO4, and was able to make a fairly decent facsimile using the character creator in TTW, I haven't been able to manage something similar for Skyrim SE. So, I wanted to know if there was a way to take the preset character's face from FO4 and somehow port it to Skyrim SE for my playable character. ---------- In case anybody's curious, the idea is this: Lone Wanderer goes as usual up until rescuing father. Father's obsession with Project Purity even after abandoning LW drives her away to Mojave where the events of NV take place. Between the majority of NV's story and the DLC's theme of "letting go", she decides to return to the Capital Wasteland and forgive Father. LW's final adventure in the Capital/Mojave is Mothership Zeta. After defeating the aliens and trying to use the unfamiliar alien tech to return home, there's a screw-up and she's sent to the world of Skyrim. Because of the clean air being easier on lungs adapted for the heavy radiation of the wasteland, she's able to Shout. (Just roll with it) Due to her gun-reliant physique, I plan on playing her using light weapons, light armor, and crossbows/Dwemer tech due to the similarity to what she's used to in her previous life. (Naturally, Dwemer-themed mods would be incorporated) Eventually, LW meets Sheogorath, does his quest, and when he would normally return her to Skyrim, decides to both reward her by sending her home, but thinks it would be funny to "miss" as far as time goes, and LW ends up sent back to before the War. Naturally, her insane story does little to help change events and prevent a nuclear holocaust, so the events of FO4 happen. Due to living in radiation again, Shouting is no longer a possibility. Also, the relatively easy living during pre-war events softens up her Medieval Barbarian Hero muscles, explaining the lost stats/skills. (If necessary, a bit of plot-tweaking with the various Alternate Start mods should plug up any story issues) My LW is typically a Good-aligned character, but if I manage to get her into the next Elder Scrolls game somewhat reasonably, my plan is that the constant feeling of "Everything good that happens to me gets taken away!" is going to shift things to a Chaotic-Neutral or Evil character due to frustration and the feeling that nothing matters anyways if she's going to just eventually be yanked out of this life as well.
  3. There are a ton of mods that try to improve the third-person gameplay. You can combine TK Dodge, Lock-On, 360-Walk-And-Run, and change the animations to get what should be a really well-working third-person setup. The only thing that still seems stiff and uncomfortable is the camera. Most third-person action-adventure games, such as Zelda or Kingdom Hearts, have a bit of a more "elastic" camera. They take a moment to start following the player when they move, and feel a bit more comfortable than constantly being rigidly a set distance and angle from the back of the player's head. If other games guide a floating camera gently with a rope, Skyrim keeps it anchored with a stick. (Yeah, weird analogy, but I can't figure out how to get my point across) I looked online to see if there was a mod to fix this, and read that the game engine doesn't allow something like that. I was wondering if there was a way to sort of fake it, though. Let's say we use something like "Customizable Camera" as a starting point. You could set it up to increase the distance from the player by one notch when the player is moving, and return it to the original distance when the player stands still, using the variable transition speed to make it as comfortable as possible. When a projectile is drawn, such as a spell or bow/crossbow, there could be an option to automatically swap to first-person or an over-the-shoulder preset for accuracy. (Even better if it was compatible with Lock-On, where if the player is locked on it goes to over-the-shoulder, and if they aren't, it goes to first-person. Like Zelda!) Add in a modified version of 360 Walk-and-Run so that you still have full directional control even when in combat instead of only when weapons are sheathed, and you could have a perfectly-functioning Zelda-style camera setup. Since SKSE64 is out of alpha now, and should be pretty much feature-complete at this point, would something like my suggestion be possible? I just think it would be really fun to play through Skyrim as though it were a fully-functioning Zelda-style game.
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