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Nexus Mods Profile

About Kerathras

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  1. How hard would it be to add an additional AoW to a weapon and how would it be done? Specifically Aspect of the Crucible: Wings to Crucible Knight weapons like Ordovis's Greatsword and Siluria's Tree. From what I have seen with other mods something like this would definitely be possible by replacing one of the inputs for those weapons with the AoW. I love the Crucible Knights and their aesthetic and I think it's criminal that this iconic Crucible Aspect was finally introduced to the game but as an AoW rather than an incantation like all the others which means that if you want to use it you can't equip any of the iconic Crucible weapons at the same time. I have never dabbled in modding before but if someone would be willing to guide me I would happily give it a shot or help someone else do it in any way I can. Thanks in advance!
  2. Any way to introduce that cool magical blue barrage that is shot out (presumably by Loretta) at the player as they approach Caria Manor? I always thought it would make a splendid sorcery.
  3. I looked at that earlier but its not the same spell. Or rather it is but it cannot be channeled and stays up for about half a second. Before the tornado fully forms its gone. :(
  4. This community has been so vibrant and creative I just know there must be folks out there working on a mod that gives us access to the spells used by dark wizards in the game, like the Fire Tornado, and the Expulso and Reducto curses. I wanted to reach out and see how things are progressing in that regard and what seem to be the roadblocks hindering those efforts. Keep up the good work, cheers!
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