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  1. Been looking all over for a mod like this, but it doesn't seem to exist. (and it's insane that it's not a feature in the vanilla game). It's a very simple mod; when you sneak up on a hostile turret you can press [E] and deactivate it (much like a trip-wire, or mine). Could require the robotics perk, or hacking perk. I know that some enemy turrets are hooked up to hackable terminals, but no more than maybe 20-30% of them. And if you shoot a turret they explode alerting everyone nearby. This mod would fix that. Aslo, another mod suggestion in the same category: Make the Pulse Grenade an actual EMP Grenade that silently knocks out robots, turrets etc. (no explosions, and no damage to other enemies). Would be awesome if anyone could make this :)
  2. Yes! thank you so much :woot: That first sentence was really all I needed though, I didn't know that you could delete masters by pressing Ctrl+Del :P
  3. Is there an easy way to convert a mod that requires the Dawnguard DLC, to not require the DLC? The reason why I ask is that a lot of people have asked me to make a non-Dawnguard version of my mod: Halls of Dovahndor The problem is that in this mod I have used tons of stuff form Dawnguard. While making the mod I made several backups of the .esp file, so I have files of the mod that does NOT require Dawnguard. But these files are very unfinished. Or is the easiest way to open the latest version of the mod (that DOES require Dawnguard), and remove everything form the Dawnguard dlc. (Is this method even possible??) Or is there an easier way to do this??? For example by using the TES5Edit? To sum up, is the easiest method to... 1) load the old file and start over again? 2) remove everything that requires Dawnguard from the latest version of the mod (if that's even possibe)? 3) or is there an easier way to do it? Thanks
  4. Well, I have no AI packages for those NPCs. I noticed that when a NPC had no AI package and had no "Linked Ref" to any object they would just randomly walk from one chair to the other, but they automaticly got the eat/drink animation while sitting. So, do I have to add an AI package, if so, which?
  5. I'm woking on the next version of my mod, the Halls of Dovahndor. I have added several NPCs, and I want them to sit at the large table in the Hall of Feasts, eating and drinking. I followed this to get the different NPCs to sit in their chairs 24-7 ("Linked Ref" to chair). But when I opened the game the NPCs just sat there, staring at eachother. There was NO eat or drink animations. So my question is, how do I add eat and drink animations to an NPC sitting in a chair? Thanks :)
  6. I'm not sure that would solve the problem. I could just as well lock the portal. Plus, I don't want to move the location of the gate. But thanks for the suggestion :) That would be awesome, thanks :) I actually plan on making the home fully companion-friendly for the next version. That version will also most likely mark the end of the beta. I don't plan on making the mod itself spouse-compatible, but the "Spouses Can Live Everywhere" mod will probebly work when the NavMash is in place.
  7. Thanks for Halls of Dovahndor video. Great work :)
  8. Yeah I figured it was something like that. Thing is that I'm not very familiar with the scripting aspect of the Creation Kit, so I'm not sure how I should do this.
  9. I recently released a mod, the Halls of Dovahndor. The thing is that I want this player home to be available only when the player has defeated Alduin. The way I want to do this is to have the Portal itself "initially disabled", so that it's not visible in-game before you kill Alduin. Some time ago I asked on an other forum and got this answer: This method seemed to be working perfectly. I loaded a game before I had defeated Alduin, went to the Portal and it was not there (as intended). I then defeated Alduin, completed the Main Quest, and traveled to the Throat of the World and the portal had appeared! However, When I later loaded a game where I had already defeated Alduin, the portal was gone. It seemed that when I loaded the game where Alduin had already been defeated the game didn't register it, and the portal remained disabled. So, do anyone know how I can make this work? Thanks
  10. got it! thank you so much for your patience :)
  11. sorry, but I don't get it. Where do I type in my message, in the script itself (edit source), like in the example in my first post. Or do I create the message somewhere else and add it to the script later? I see where the Properties button is, but how do I get my message there, and how do I choose the FormID? sorry for all the questions :P
  12. anoyne else know if there is some kind of tutorial on this?
  13. What I gave you should be a working script. My guess is that you didn't declare the property? You have to click the Properties box and select your actual Message from the dropdown box. I still can't get it to work, I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with the scripting part of the creation kit. I initially just followed this tutorial on the CreationKitWiki: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World do you know if there is some kind of tutorial for the method your suggesting?
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