I recently released a mod, the Halls of Dovahndor. The thing is that I want this player home to be available only when the player has defeated Alduin. The way I want to do this is to have the Portal itself "initially disabled", so that it's not visible in-game before you kill Alduin. Some time ago I asked on an other forum and got this answer: This method seemed to be working perfectly. I loaded a game before I had defeated Alduin, went to the Portal and it was not there (as intended). I then defeated Alduin, completed the Main Quest, and traveled to the Throat of the World and the portal had appeared! However, When I later loaded a game where I had already defeated Alduin, the portal was gone. It seemed that when I loaded the game where Alduin had already been defeated the game didn't register it, and the portal remained disabled. So, do anyone know how I can make this work? Thanks