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Nexus Mods Profile

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About Zahgy

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  1. Remove bear traps, Remove snipers, Remove hints telling you how bandages work 28 hours into the game, Make gas and clutch actually function properly and be beneficial, not just an illusion and blatant lie from the devs themselves, remove all cutscenes, remove all slow walk cutscenes, remove Sarah, Nude rikki over deacon. Game fixed.
  2. I like to play with as little HUD as possible. I think it looks way better when you have less information on the screen and more of the game showing. State of decay 2's HUD is extremely outdated, and large. The cross hairs are the worst part about it and I hate playing with it on, however you cannot see your health, stamina, or what item you have selected when you turn the HUD off so its near impossible to play. You either have to stop and open your inventory and manually use healing (you cannot use equipment like grenades this way) you have to find it with luck and hope you throw the correct one. Essentially is it possible to have a mod that either removes the cross hair completely / makes it smaller, Or if you can create a custom HUD to display your info in a more subtle way.
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