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Posts posted by DeathRaze

  1. Well the problem is you're trying to apply Oblivion scripts to Morrowind, which is not possible because they are two different scripting languages. The website you posted is a tutorial website for Oblivion modding.


    If you're interested in learning morrowind programming, theres a really awesome guide that you can download here at http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6083&view=Mods.Detail


    It's a really great walkthrough for teaching beginners how to program in Morrowind. Hope it helps.

  2. Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


    Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


    But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

    Hey if you're going to do the Summerset Isles, you can count me in =) Though I guess there's nothing for me to do until Skyrim comes out since you of all people know I do NOT model lol. But yeah, we'll have to get together sometime and work on it, plan it out etc.

  3. After reading all these posts, all I can say is, if you haven't already, watch the X Files. Rofl if there are any fans of that show here, they'll know what I'm talking about.


    That should tell you all you need to know about aliens.

  4. You know, after seeing that guide for myself, I think you should try putting that as FAQ format and submitting it to gamefaqs or neoseeker, none of them have a 200+ guide and I've read a few threads of people asking for it. I think you and I are among the very few who bothered to level that high and know how to do it. Seriously, atleast think about sending one in :)
  5. The max possible level is, in fact, 255. That is because that is the highest (decimal) number that can be represented in a two digit hexadecimal number (FF hex).


    Just saying. :whistling:


    I actually have to admit my ignorance on that point. I have encountered the figure, but learned why that was the case. Thanks for the info Qwaxalot!


    And I am looking forward to your guide NinjaGoddess, Thanks!

    Speaking of Ayra, she wanted me to let you know that she will get you that guide as soon as she can, but she just started college yesterday and has a job interview tomorrow, so her schedule is REALLY busy. She's "Sorry for any inconvienances" as she put it lol. Anyways she'll get it to you next time she has time to go online.

  6. Well alright then, I'll send you my guide, Its a bit lengthy so please bare with me. Also, its not so much a guide as it is a step by step guide of how I got to 240 so it may be a bit linear. But if you're buddy is interested so be it. I've no problem with that. Apparently DeathRaze is making me send the guide anyways because he's to "lazy" to have made one himself :P

    I would just like to point out that while I got to level 232, I'm sorry I didn't bother to make a guide detailing everything I did to get that high. Turns out I'm normal and don't feel the need to write down everything I do concerning powerleveling. :tongue:

    Oh and another thing, since you already had a guide made, why would I bother spending an hour typing up a step by step guide when someone already did the leg work? I'm not lazy, I just have common sense :thumbsup:

  7. Well I don't know about modding the rumour dialogue and whatnot. But if you already tried the quest tab and the dialogue bubble and got nothing, maybe you could try extracting the two oblivion voice bsas and seeing if theres anything significant in there? I don't know how to edit rumour dialogue, but atleast you could try finding the file path concerning rumour dialogue in there.
  8. Well, I just mess around in Blender until I get something that I like lol

    Hmm, well alright, I suppose I'll just try and ask around elsewhere for it. I've tried blender but I have no luck with it lol. I suppose I'll try and work harder at it.

  9. Actually I already have the Blender noob to pro manual. And its a great read and it helps a lot, but I want something that is specific to Oblivion, and while that is a very good manual, it doesn't help me make models for Oblivion. I just want to know what tools I'd need (freeware) and where do I start. What tutorial would help people like mysself learn from the bottom up? thats what i'd like to find. If I can't find one, oh well, I'll just go to school for 3D animation and hope that helps lol.
  10. Okay well basically I want to learn how to model texture and animate. I say this because I have looked over cs.elderscrolls.com and while they have a lot of modeling tutorials, none of them seem to have (that I can find) tutorial(s) that start off from square one on modeling/texturing.

    I have done many of the tutorials on cs.elderscrolls and found them helpful, I've read many links and articles, and I have a really good understanding of the cs when it comes to references, objects, the windows, landscape editing, making houses, duplicating cells, etc. What I don't know is anything about modeling. I have downloaded Blender and heard that I will have to download a program called GIMP. I want to know if there is any tutorial for someone who has NO idea how to model or texture but would like to learn.


    I apologize in advance as I'm sure a message like this has been seen many times on the forums, but I have looked around and could not find one that starts off at square 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  11. Well It's a bit long to explain how to ascend to level 200+. its a VERY long and tedious process. I did it on my 360 version, but it could work on either one. Apparently Ayra has done it too so I'm assuming she did it the same way I did. If you really want to know how to get that high, ask her lol, I don't feel like going through the process. I just simply wondered if it was possible to reach 255, I capped out at 232 but Ayra got to 240 so I guess she's doing something better than me :tongue:

    That being said, if any of you guys decide to try out this long and tedious method, it'll take about 20-30 hours of gameplay, and if you somehow get to 255, or higher than 240, PLEASE, let me know lol.

  12. Hmm, well thanks for the help Ayra, I guess I'll try one more runthrough doing what you said. I usually started out with generally the same skills, but i made intelligence and strength my two favored attributes for my custom class, which obviously would raise those two attributes fairly high with the favored skills I chose. Well I'm going back to the 360 and spending another 30+ hours trying to get to the highest level possible. Wish me luck :D
  13. I'm not talking about cheating or using the console commands, I did this on my 360 version. I know there was a guide to getting to 255 w/o cheating but I topped out at 232 the first time and 240 the second time. I wanted to know if anyone had actually managed to do it without cheating and could just tell me the skills that they used to get there.
  14. I heard that the highest level that you could get to on Oblivion was 255, has anyone ever made it that far? I myself tried to make it to that level on my 360 version and I made it to level 232 my first time, the second time I tried I got up to about 240, but I never hit 255. Has anyone ever been able to do it, and if so, with what race skills class etc.
  15. Hey thanks for the heads up. I suppose you're right, that would be copyright infringement and not worth getting banned for. Ah well,


    I guess I'll work on it by myself, should take a year or two to complete since its that vast, but I'm not distributing it. I think I just found something to keep me busy for the next couple of years though.

  16. Hey, I'm new to the forums, (well posting wise) and I didn't know where else to post this.


    I'd like to make a mod that is basically a great big library comprised entirely of doujinshi. I've got 200+ doujinshi that i've counted so far and thats barely scratching the tip of the ice berg. Anyways, I was wondering if there is anyone that is willing to help with this project since its quite bigger than a one person job.


    Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  17. Hey I was reading some of the posts on this thread and I think it's a great idea to make a new province. I love hearing about mods that are lore friendly and take place on other provinces. Anyways, I noticed that a lot of you guys said you aren't good at texturing. I have a sister that is VERY good with coloring and recoloring images and whatnot. If you guys want, I can give you guys a way to reach her. If you send her the meshes and images you have and tell her how you want them colored and whatnot, she can do it. She may not have that much free time for much longer since she's about to start her first semester at an art college, but untill then, if you guys need anything textured or retextured w/e, she can do it.


    Anyways, I wish you guys the best of luck and hope that black marsh comes out well.

  18. Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'll figure it out on my own and how I want it. I'm not completely sure on what I want for the story yet, I'm still kind of winging it and not thinking it through yet. But as long as I know it can be done, I'll figure out how. Thanks again :D
  19. Alright I suppose I’ll just get right down to the point. I’m a new member to tesnexus, I just picked up Oblivion for the pc not even a month ago. I had no idea how to mod or how to install mods etc. Thankfully, I’ve become pretty good at installing and have no problems with that. I’ve also been using the CS wiki to make my own mods and I’ve become okay at making some alright stuff.


    Anyways, what I want to know is: Is it possible to make an NPC use an attack that creates five of himself?


    I have an NPC that I’m using as a part of an alternate story mod that I’m making for a new faction on my own, I want to know if I could make that specific NPC summonable or something and then have him cast a spell that would create another one of him untill theres five or something along those lines. I don’t want to know how to do it, just if its possible to do, or am I wasting my time trying to find out how I’d go about that.


    Thanks in advance for any help regarding this post.


    P.S. Please please PLEASE, no flaming. If it’s a stupid idea that could never be done, then please excuse my ignorance and I won’t bring it up again. Thanks.

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