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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. So basically I am stuck in dawnguard. When I get to Vyrthur sitting on his throne, he delivers his speech, and then all his frozen minions and astronach attack me. Then when he stands up, (presumably to disable the forcefield preventing you from reaching him), the game immediately closes, without any error or even a log (after enabling logging). I have tried using the console to advance the quest objective from outside of the room, but the forcefield remains, and tlc-ing through it to chase him results in him delivering another speech and then remaining invincible. Is there anyone who knows anything about this? Or anyone who knows how to trick skyrim into thinking the segment that keeps crashing has already happened somehow? Thanks!
  2. Ooo thanks for all your help! I'm getting used to it now, but your explaination was very good! maybe I will learn some 3d modeling ;) ... or maybe ill realize that it takes years of work and patience to do it and continue to use the excellent bodies provided :)
  3. Well now I've got it half working, I think. I got the natural bodies all in one override and set the human female model to "seductress". There are no seductress legs to choose though, and since seductress is a rather thin model, it looks quite wrong with the much larger legs and hips that this tiny torso is situated upon. Is that just part of the model do you think? or are the NB legs overriding the seductress legs somehow? thanks, by the way, I appreciate you taking the time to help me :)
  4. Sorry about the necro but I am really quite confused! I have the .override in the "installed overrides" box in the mods tab of the mod manager. So I go into dragon age and .... the bodies are still just the regular stock bodies! Is there some secret to getting it to actually use the new bodies? I have no idea what to do :wallbash:
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