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Everything posted by gmg2dave

  1. here's my video settings Resolution 1920x1080 widescreen (16:9) Graphics Detail: Very High Anti-Aliasing: Off Texture Detail: High Vetical Sync: on Frame Buffer Effects: on
  2. just re-installed this with the intent of doing a complete playthrough of all three titles, I have the Ultimate Edition from GOG and I have installed some mods but nothing that adds any changes to textures or any updates to textures for the base game. However, I am noticing that after I have been playing a while, I am seeing weird textures, or flickering effects on clothing, or clothing going completely black, etc. I have a Nvidea 1080ti graphics card, and I am not seeing how it could be having a problem running this game as old as it is, so I am not sure what exactly is causing this problem. What is worse, is that these graphical glitches appear to carry over from my saved games, or become permanent? As in, once the textures start going nuts, even exiting the game completely and and re-starting it doesn't seem to clear up the problem. Any ideas what is going on here?
  3. Ok, so I have no idea what is causing this, but it is driving me nuts. Recently, like today, I have noticed that when using either the settlement build menu, or the power armor build menu, that certain items are greyed out because I lack the necessary perks to use them. It even says so when I try to build an item or mod my power armor. But, I DO have the required perks. For instance, to build the large generator in the settlement build menu, you need a Science 2 perk which I do have. But it is greyed out in the build menu, and when I try to build it, I get the "you lack the necessary perks to build this" or something to that effect. The same when I try to build power armor, anything that requires the Science perk is greyed out and I cannot build it. I've even tried Re-specing using a mod to completely remove ALL my perks and adding them back in on a clean save, and I still get this error. So, could someone tell me what I should be looking at, either in the CK or F4Edit that would cause this to happen? Specifically, where would I find the entries that control what perk matches with what build item, and how they interact. Because I have checked and I am not seeing any changes to the Science perk that would explain this, not any changed requirements under the constructable items list that have changed. So I'm not sure where else to look to see what is causing this.
  4. Hello all, I'm having a bit of a problem getting these two mods to work together. I've enabled the EENV Master Enable & EENV Night Vision Enable settings in the ENB control panel, and when I hit the button to activate nightvision I get the HUD overlay that says the nightvision is active, and I can activate the TAC overlay and it works just fine, but I do not get an increase in ambient light or the green overlay when increasing the steps that Gopher's mod adds to the game. Is there a step I am missing or does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
  5. Ok, I give up, I just updated to the latest version of the game and F4SE, updated all the mods that needed it, etc. Go through all that and go to launch the game, and none, not one, of my mods is loading. Checked my INI files, all correct and the way they should be to enable mods, but when I launch the game using F4SE my mods are all disabled in game. Any idea what the hell is going on here? This is really annoying and I am not sure wth is going on.
  6. Not sure if this is a vanilla bug, or something caused by a mod but the bracers do not show up in first person view when I am wearing the armor on my female character. Completely invisible for me, cannot even see my hands when wielding weapons or spells. It's rather disconcerting. Anyone have any idea how to fix this? Tried doing a google search for the problem but only found one post about it, and there where no answers to the problem posted.
  7. I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out, and am not having any success so I figured I would ask here, I am trying to increase the radius of the candlelight and mage light spells, not the intensity, just the radius that the light effects and I just cannot seem to run down the actual effect that produces the light in game when you cast either of these spells so I can tweak it a bit. Anyone give a fella a hand tracking these down?
  8. None of the items I am talking about have enchantments, not can they be enchanted. I was trying to figure out what keywords to add to make it so they could be enchanted.
  9. Just got a really nice armor mod, the excellent looking Sithis Armor (found here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81123?tab=description, check it out, it looks fantastic.) but the hood of the armor cannot be enchanted for some reason. I've noticed this in a few other mods as well, where if you try to enchant an item all of the possible enchants are grayed out and cannot be added to an item. So my question is how do you add the capability to add an enchant to an item either in the CK or TES5Edit. Not sure what keywords are needed to be added to a piece of armor or a cloak for instance that would enable them to be enchanted, so I figured I'd ask you folks.
  10. Yes I did, and the mod Skyrim Realistic Archery adds those INI edits to the game automatically when you install with Mod Organizer. Still seem to be having the problem.
  11. Been playing Skyrim LE for a while know, and I just decided to level up my bow skills and noticed a problem. When I shoot at targets the arrows often hit an invisible wall and bounce off/fall to the floor instead of hitting the target. I usually end up with a pile of arrows in front of the target instead of doing any damage TO the target. Have to keep moving forward until my arrows actually start to hit but this is making sniping with bows all but impossible. I have to get pretty close before they start hitting, not sure how close, like 15-20' at most is the best range I can get out of a bow before the arrows start hitting this wall and falling to the floor. I've tried using the zoom in function/talent to try to extend the range, but that doesn't work either. I have a mod that increases the range bows can shoot at, Skyrim Realistic Archery https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58137 but I have seen nothing in the mod page about my problem, which is the opposite of what the mod is supposed to do. I also have Ultimate Combat, but again nothing on the mod page mentioning this problem. So I am not sure what is causing it, but it is extremely annoying and makes using bows about useless. Anyone run into this bug before or have any idea where it is coming from or what is causing it?
  12. Just started a new playthrough of ME3 and have installed some dlc files and such including the latest version of Expanded Galaxy Map, which I am definitely enjoying, but I have noticed that when I use the coalesced editor to make some changes to a few weapons that my game crashes upon entering the armor choice menu upon starting a mission. Tried it with several different missions and each end with the same result, I get to the armor choice screen, hit save and exit and my game crashes. Reverting to the vanilla coalesced.bin file fixes the problem but of course makes the changes I want to make impossible to do. So is there some way to make this work, or is it an either/or thing where I can use EGM or an edited coalesced.bin file but not both. Would have asked this on the EGM mod page, but the comments are locked, so I figured I'd ask here, thanks for any help.
  13. just loaded up my game after being away since Dec 18th and I have run into a very strange bug. The game will not allow me to save my game. If I attempt to save it, the message pops up that it is saving, but no new saved game file is placed in the "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4/saves" folder and if I try to load a game, the new save is not listed as being there. I've even tried to make an exit save and got nothing. For some reason it just plain refuses to make a new saved game. I've tried verifying my game files, I've checked to make sure the saved game folder isn't set to read only and still, no saved games. I've even tried completely cleaning out the saved games folder with the exception of my last saved game and seeing if that made any difference. And nope, still will not save my game. Other than that, the game runs fine, it loads correctly. I can play it to my hearts content, I just cannot save any progress I have made in the game. Which is of course, really frustrating. And as an aside, I just updated my game and the script extender is throwing off an error message and I am wondering is this because Fallout 4 was recently, since the 18th of December that is, been updated? I'm not sure how to check to see when an update was uploaded to Steam by Beth, but I do know when I looked in Steam it said the game needed to be updated.
  14. just recently decided to go back to Skyrim after I've not played for a while, haven't installed any new mods since last time I launched the game, but for some reason every time I try to start Skyrim either with the regular launcher, or SKSE from Mod Organizer my game crashes before it gets to the game launch screen. It starts to launch, but then it crashes most of the time as soon as the Bethesda logo come up. I did manage to launch it once, and start a new game, but none of my mods installed from MO where recognized by the game and it crashed 10 minutes after that. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I do not believe the game has updated since I last launched it, but that was a month or so before the whole payed mods thing Beth did with FO4, so I am not sure if anything got changed in Skyrim as well. And I am curious as to why when I did, eventually, get it to successfully launch it didn't recognize any of the moods installed. Not sure if this is two separate problems, or if they are related. Truth be told, I am at a loss here. So any help would be appreciated, thanks. Edited to Add: I CAN start the game with the default launcher, the default exe & SKSE from my directory or through Steam, I just cannot launch any of them through Mod Organizer.
  15. Ok, every time I try to launch the game using the launcher or FalloutNVLauncher.exe I get the following Log Name: ApplicationSource: Application ErrorDate: 8/30/2017 6:01:42 PMEvent ID: 1000Task Category: (100)Level: ErrorKeywords: ClassicUser: N/AComputer: David-PCDescription:Faulting application name: FalloutNV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e0d50edFaulting module name: FalloutNV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e0d50edException code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x00017825Faulting process id: 0xca4Faulting application start time: 0x01d321db799b5821Faulting application path: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exeFaulting module path: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exeReport Id: f7feeeec-6d1b-4de8-8872-134be8823569Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Event Xml:<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2017-08-30T22:01:42.507015200Z" /> <EventRecordID>14240</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>David-PC</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>4e0d50ed</Data> <Data>FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>4e0d50ed</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>00017825</Data> <Data>ca4</Data> <Data>01d321db799b5821</Data> <Data>E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data>E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data>f7feeeec-6d1b-4de8-8872-134be8823569</Data> <Data> </Data> <Data> </Data> </EventData></Event> If I try to launch with Fnv4gb I get the following error message. Log Name: ApplicationSource: Application ErrorDate: 8/30/2017 6:05:13 PMEvent ID: 1000Task Category: (100)Level: ErrorKeywords: ClassicUser: N/AComputer: David-PCDescription:Faulting application name: FalloutNV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e0d50edFaulting module name: fnv4gb_helper.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x50add15fException code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x00002765Faulting process id: 0x29d4Faulting application start time: 0x01d321dc0dc806aeFaulting application path: E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exeFaulting module path: E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\fnv4gb_helper.dllReport Id: 7f87fa0d-c510-4cc8-8562-f0348418bd1bFaulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Event Xml:<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2017-08-30T22:05:13.378603600Z" /> <EventRecordID>14242</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>David-PC</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>4e0d50ed</Data> <Data>fnv4gb_helper.dll</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>50add15f</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>00002765</Data> <Data>29d4</Data> <Data>01d321dc0dc806ae</Data> <Data>E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\exes\FalloutNV.exe</Data> <Data>E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\fnv4gb_helper.dll</Data> <Data>7f87fa0d-c510-4cc8-8562-f0348418bd1b</Data> <Data> </Data> <Data> </Data> </EventData></Event> Tried re-installing Fnv4gb just in case something got screwed up, still crashes.Tried re-installing FN.exe and the launcher from Steam. (Deleted the files completely, verified installation, etc.) Still crashes. Oh, and I attached a file with my load order, but that has not changed any in forever, and it was working fine just last week.
  16. OK, so the new update hit FO4 today, game is kinda borked till the fine folks update the script extender, so I decide to play some FNV. Tried starting the game and it DL'd something, and now every time I try to start it, the launcher crashes. Note, this is not me trying to launch the game using either fn4gb or NVSE. Just in case they got the same treatment as FO4 did. This is trying to launch the game straight from Steam, or trying to use either the FalloutNVLauncher.exe, or just the FalloutNV.exe. Both immediately crash. With the launcher I get a pop-up window that the application has stopped working, with the FalloutNV.exe I get another pop-up that says the application was unable to start correctly. Same if I try to launch from the Steam library. This was just working a few days ago, so I have no idea what is going on, and yes, I have tried to verify my game files, and still nothing. I even deleted both the launcher file and NV.exe file and re-downloaded them, just to see if maybe that somehow got messed up. Steam re-installed both, and it still crashes. I have not updated anything, added any new mods, or made any changes to the game files in months. It has been working great, no problems, and now... nothing. HELP? Please?
  17. I have a mod that keeps throwing errors and causing me to CTD when trying to enter Diamond City, I found about 12 or so Error, could not be resolved entries and removed them already, thinking this was the problem. Unfortunately, it didn't fix it. What I am finding is the following error messages, all in all about 44 of them that are mostly all the same Unhandled error: NPC_ \ Face Morphs \ Face Morph \ FMRI - Index -> <Face morph index 36EF34C7 not found in HumanChildRace "<Error: No strings file for lstring ID 00024550>" [RACE:0011D83F]> So, I am guessing, and this is a guess, but that the mod author tried to alter some npc's with new face morphs, or maybe add new npc's with these face morphs and the morphs aren't part of the mod? No idea really what this means, but if anyone could help me maybe try to fix it because I am at a loss. I've looked in FO4Edit and I am not seeing anywhere that this mod makes any alterations to the race sub-menu, and maybe that is the problem? I've tried opening the mod with the CK, but I have no idea what it is I am looking for in there. My intention was to fix it myself, because the mod author has stated he's got a lot going on IRL, and I'd rather not bug him if he's not going to respond. I really like the mod, or at least the older version of it, but after installing the latest one, I can't even get into the city, and deleting the mod doesn't seem to fix the problem. Anyway, could really use some help here if any of you folks know what is going on, or has a clue about how to fix it, that would be greatly appreciated. I've attached a file with all of the error reports that are generated when I used FO4Edit to check it for errors, if that helps.
  18. I had that bug as well, and there are more than a few other folks who have run into it as well. One solution I did find was make sure you are not wearing power armor or anything that alters your vision, or marks targets for you. I had on a pair of glasses that had the recon effect on them, and apparently that might trigger the bug. Here's a link to the thread I made about it, and some possible fixes that folks have posted. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5665142-institutionalized-bug-need-help/
  19. Ok, that is very helpful VlitS, as I looked in my ini and lo and behold that line isn't there at all. As in it's gone. Hell, just to be safe, I looked in all of my ini's to see if I could find it, and it's not in any of them. Fortunately, I have a backup of the vanilla ini's and just added the line back in. Discovered a few ini edits that I am assuming that Bilago's tweaker changed, so I am going through and seeing what changes exactly that program has made to my ini's pretty much section by section. We shall see if it works. Thanks for the help.
  20. First off, It's really ridiculously easy to look in FO4Edit and see if any mods are making changes to a cell, it lists every mod that makes any changes at all, and if there was one that was making a change, I would have reverted it back to the vanilla settings to see if that fixed it. And I know what mods I have dl'd and no, none of them make changes to the textures/meshes in Vault 81. As far as my video card, it is a Nvidea GTX 680, and yup, it's got 2 GB of VRAM, but I am already using Enboost, and using a large chunk of the 16 GB of RAM I have to boost my VRAM. I've not had a problem anywhere else playing this game, at least not with missing meshes/textures, or anything similar to this bug. I usually am getting a pretty steady 60 FPS in most areas, I have a few slow downs in downtown Boston, but it only lasts for a few seconds, then right back up to 60 fps. I am using the recommended settings for the Nvidea card, I have tweaked it a bit here and there with Bilago's Fallout 4 tweaker to run in windowed fullscreen, and change my FOV, few other minor tweaks that actually disable some FX in game and would lower the amount of VRAM needed, such as disabling DOF, lens flare, bokeh, etc. I have found a few threads from way back in '16 of folks having the same problem, and it was reported as a bug with the game itself, but so far I have not seen a fix for the problem, which is why I was asking. Ok, this is a YouTube video that shows the glitch/bug I am experiencing that was posted in October 2016. https://www.youtube.com/embed/wDNINNkYPq0
  21. Hey, anyone know if there is a mod out there that re-textures the outfit he wears? I've seen some mods that do 2k or 4k textures for the BOS under-armor and bomber jackets and such, but for the life of me I can't find one that improves his outfit. Looks horrible in my game with really low rez or fuzzy textures even with textures set to ultra. Thanks for any help you folks can give me.
  22. I have a weird visual bug in all of my vaults that I can't seem to track down. I've tried validating my files and done some google searching, and so far I haven't found anything about this particular glitch. bug report by David Meyer, on Flickr Basically, both the mesh and texture of that section of wall are missing. I've also noticed some small glitches where textures aren't loading on some floor mats and mats that are on counters and such, but the real problem is the sections of walls that aren't rendering. That pick was taken in Vault 81, and I've noticed the same glitch in every vault I have gone too. I thought it might have something to do with the Scrap Everything mod but although a problem was reported, supposedly the newest version of the mod fixed the problem, but this is still happening. So, it's got to be something else that is causing this, but I don't have any mods that alter the walls in the vaults. so, anyone have a clue why this is happening?
  23. If you are talking about linking workbenches to share resources without wanting to add a workshop, I have a video tutorial on how to do it that might help you. Thanks for the response, but wasn't what I was looking for. This mod changes a LOT of stuff & adds a few already constructed crafting benches to the Starlight Drive-in but they are not connected to the settlement workbench, so they do not share resources with it. In a normal settlement, whatever you dump into the settlement workshop is available for use in any of the crafting benches you build at that settlement. But these ones aren't sharing. And I've noticed a few other mods that I have that also do more or less the same thing. Add both a settlement workshop and some crafting benches to a location, but they don't share resources. So, I'm looking for a way to link them. Thanks again.
  24. Ok, I know that was how it was done in FNV/FO3 but I am not seeing a list of weapons attached to a perk, or a formlist of such weapons. I've looked in just about every mod that I have that adds a weapon and not a one of 'em has a formlist attached to it for a perk. I think, and I may be very wrong here, but as I'm not seeing any such list in the CK for vanilla weapons, that this has been replaced with another method of going about it. Perhaps something to do with keywords? Or if there is such a list, anyone mind pointing out to me where exactly I am supposed to look for it in the CK so I can add a weapon to it? Thanks.
  25. Hello all, I've got a bit of a puzzler here, at least for me. I've noticed on a few of my mods that the reticle on the scopes or even the iron sights does not line up with the crosshair in game. Sometimes this is a minor thing, and other times... holy hell, it's not even close. Leaving me guessing as the where the shot is going to go. Needless to say, with long range rifles this makes hitting anything smaller than say... a barn, problematic at best. Now, back in the good ol' days, I'd load up the model in NifSkope and adjust the sighting node till I had it zeroed in, with the node matching the reticle of the scope. But, it appears that Beth is gonna mess with me, an' there ain't no such critter in Fallout 4. So, how exactly does one go about zeroing in the sight to match the in game crosshairs? 'Cause I'm scratching my head here and can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated, thanks much.
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