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  1. Hello, I have been thinking why some encounter events repeat over and over, but some rarely happens. Especially "Rust Devil" events that are just over used, and make some unique NPC extremely hard to encounter. Let's say, if I want to adjust some events' frequency. Specifically I have made a pretty challenging "deathclaw buff" mod. (Better combat style, perks, higher stats and speed, resistant to all explosives, and immune to limb damage.) I am very satisfied with the test result. Then I changed the priorities of all deathclaw encounter to 100. However, I barely encounter any deathclaw in game. Is there some tricks to change the frequency of random encounters easily? For example, I want to make deathclaws spawn more often from random encounter (especially ambush), not settlement attack though. Thanks!
  2. The easiest way is copying and modifying existing perks. 1.Copy a perk as a new record (not override). 2.Change the conditions and effects. 3.Add and test the perk through console commands. You may want to test and modify to balance it. Alternatively, you can add them to the perk tree. (either replacing existing one or adding new ranks such as pain train 4 as "One Punch".)
  3. Thanks for reply. I know those quests but what I don't understand is certain random encounters have similar conditions (almost the same or even no condition). And their priorities are all 50 by default. But... some are very common (rust devil swarmbots) while some are extremely rare (deathclaws). And deathclaws even have more variants then swarmbots, this is what I can't figure out... :pinch: P.S. I feel workshot attack is very interrupting, even I can just capture what I want to fight to make them attack more often, but I don't really like this. So I decided to change random encounter events, if I can encounter more deathclaw ambushes, that will be great. :D
  4. JagMaker not right. Start from "Story Manager". There is no simple answer "Change it and get more deathclaws in game". Thanks for reply. But I don't understand... :huh: There is no simple answer "Change it and get more deathclaws in game". But the rust devil encounter is absolutely the most frequent one in game (and way too much), I thought there must be a parameter that determine the frequency like JagMaker said. The weird thing is I never encountered any deathclaw ambush at all in my first play through. Do you mean the encounter frequency is based on: REObjectQuests RESceneQuests REChokepointQuests and many other? May I have a bit more hints? :tongue: Thanks a lot.
  5. Is the frequency based on the number of npc data? I saw a lot of rust devil encounter npc, but there are not much deathclaw npc. If I copy more deathclaws, will it increase the encounter chance?
  6. Thanks, but I really want to know the mechanism how to set the frequency. :mellow: Why are rust devil events spawn so often? They aren't specifically placed, they are random events too.
  7. Hello, I have been thinking why some encounter events repeat over and over, but some rarely happens. Especially "Rust Devil" events that are just over used, and make some unique npc extremely hard to encounter. I haven't mod encounter event yet. Let's say, if I want to adjust some events' frequency. Specifically I have made a pretty challenging "deathclaw buff" mod. (Better combat style, perks, higher stats and speed, resistant to explosives, and immune to limb damage.) I am satisfied with the test result. However, I rarely encounter deathclaws in game. Is there some tricks to change random encounter "frequency"? Thanks!
  8. There are some entry points that trigger on vats kill, but they only work for specific perk's purpose such as grim reaper sprint. Is there an easy way to make a perk triggers on kill? For example, if player kill a target with bare hands, then player get certain buff. And is there an easy way to add a cooldown to a perk/spell? Thanks very much.
  9. Ok, thanks. I just installed CK. BloodBugDrainHealthEffect seems not being used in game. Actually I am fine with the absorb effect if the cooldown works. But 1 thing I can't figure out is it always drains target's health to death once triggered, and the duration doesn't even matter.
  10. BloodBugDrainHealthEffect has archetype of "Absorb" instead of heal or value modifier. It really drains health from target (with damage), not just healing though. And I did what you suggested but the target constantly losing health to death. And there is no innate "onKill" or "onCritical" entry point or something similar? Modifying nerdRage's effect to what I want is a bit troublesome since I am using FO4Edit. :pinch:
  11. Thanks, but on hit seems to be op with certain weapons... XD so I want to change it to trigger on kill, any idea how to do that?
  12. There must be something wrong with my steps: 1.Add a new perk "vampire". 2.Add a spell "health drain" (spell , fire and forget, self, and its effect is RestoreHealthGeneric magnitude 10, 1 second). 3.Set the vampire perk's effect to "entry point, which I set to "Apply combat spell". And the function I set to "select spell". 4.Set the function parameter: type=spell, spell = health drain. 5.Set conditions of the perk (the perk doesn't work even I removed all conditions) :/
  13. Thanks. "Apply combat hit spell" seems to work for melee weapon hit only. How do I trigger it for unarmed attack for my vampire perk? :p And one noob question, how do I check the detailed preexist scripts only using FO4edit?
  14. I found bloodbug has a vampire spell but it seems to be a fire and forget spell instead of triggering on hit since I don't see any combat hit references that spell... How about the effect that triggers on kill? I tried to find what's in nerd rage 3, but didn't find the heal from kill yet. And how to add some buffs (such as speed and DR buffs) when equipping melee weapons?
  15. What I am confusing is how to make it trigger on Hit or on Kill. And add some buff when equipping melee weapons.
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