Okay so I do apologise if someone already posted something similar, but so far havent seen anything about the topic at hand. Now don't get me wrong, I know there's a few weapons out there that cover that niche. The Rhino M1 Revolver mod and the M2045 Magnum Revolver Rifle are amazing examples of that. But I couldn't help but notice a lack of power armor siezed automatic rifles/weapons. Yes, there are a few anti tank rifle mods around, but the kick (and noise) on those make them quite unpleasant to use on the long run, and the existing coregame ones simply don't have enough "umph". I was wondering if there was anyone planning to add semi or fully automatic power sized rifles and/or pistols to the available weapons, something on the kin of bolters from Warhammer, the rifles from Starcraft Troopers or even some of the weapons from Glimmer Rats (the Magnum Rifle made me think of those straight away, plus bonus points if you know what I'm refearing to). Also, is anyone concidering adding more WWI and WWII weapons to the game? I feel like there's a bunch of them that could easely fit the style of Fallout (BAR and German MGs come to mind). Now the only reason why I'm not adding this kind of content myself is frankly because my modding skills are absolute zero :S In any case, thanks for reading.