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  1. I think you can even get it before, but it's in the Eamon estate in Denerim. As long as you can get a dialogue tree with him it should have the option in there.
  2. Cmess has put special scenes for all of the origins in the IRS Alistair. Since it's still a WIP that dialogue line will appear everywhere, but will only trigger the scene for the specific origin. It has been fixed in the testing group (I am a part of that group), but she is experiencing internet problems, so she has not been able to update the file for the public. The scenes you are wondering about, for example, are special scenes like a mage with Alistair at the Calenhad docks will trigger a special scene, but for now the dialogue option will also appear for nobles, dwarves, Dalish, and ce's. Don't worry, though, it's not a huge issue, and is resolved in testing, but will be fixed in the next version when cmess releases.
  3. Not familiar with the look of this particular Leliana, but is she perhaps using the tucked hairstyles mod from over at BSN?
  4. Well I have bad news from this side. I found out that the devs developed special facial movements/animations for Leliana which are beyond my ability to duplicate. I was really hoping to make this because I thought it would be great on it's own plus an addition to the IRS Leliana mod I am a team member/tester of. If someone with more skill than me wants to attempt this please do.
  5. Weird since I don't have a lot of mods that do anything to that. The only one's I can think that would cause that conflict is IRS Alistair, IRS Leliana (not released yet) Morrigan Dialogue Patch, and that's about it. I have not used IA, DARedesigned, WinterForge, or any of those since I reinstalled my game 4 months ago. I don't even use nightmare plus since the reinstall due to testing mods at one point or another like Elven Wynne or IRS Leliana, Hugs mods by cmessaz, etc. EDIT:RB, but you are mistaken, GLaDos did have cake. ;P And thanks for putting that song in my head. :tongue:
  6. Thandal, I never got that with the cake. He always says, "unexpected. thank-you"
  7. I can't remember because I have them turned off, but I think there is something like this in the Feastday Gifts and Pranks dlc's. Not the ingredients, but the cookies.
  8. No sweat, I figured it hasn't been done before. I can get it into a scene, but now my problem is getting the character to actually stay in the clothing I put on him. I think it might be in how the game assigns the player morph to the utc file, but not sure. And here is a screen of the type of scene we are trying to make this work in: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=3220
  9. What I am trying to accomplish is making new player placeholder utc's for use in cutscenes for the IRS Alistair and IRS Leliana mods. (I am a member of the team working on both over at BSN, and some team members for these are working on one for Zevran as well, and may use this idea for that project) The scenes in question we are trying to work out are the special alone time scenes where the player and the LI are walking, kissing, etc, and the goal here is to make a seperate utc file for the player and LI where we can chose what they are wearing to avoid clipping/visibility issues inherent with some armors especially massive ones. I already know that new utc files for Alistair and Leliana should not be an issue since they already have several in the game at several points. However, this is not the case with the player placeholder for the PC character, and will making a new one just for these scenes mess up the player's inventory? IE lose the armor that was equipped before the scene, add the noble clothing to the inverntory, etc. Any help on this would be appreciated as we want to make these scenes really special and look appropriate. Thanks.
  10. I agree with the deep stalker part. And until I got the dlc's (I waited a few playthroughs before getting them) TH was probably the best long sword in the game. The bridge for me is also the longest part of the trenches. The other long part is the puzzle with the big revolving statue that spawns the dwarf ghosts. Taking them out one at a time is tedious and time consuming. I haven't used any mods like Slinks, but I have tried to split my party and take the four out at one time, but only one anvil will light up for me to hit the statue with. :wallbash:
  11. It takes me four hours for the deep roads alone but I pretty much do it alone bringing party members along for the few spots of banter and to speed up looting (auto-loot) but then I kill everything down there with the exception of Caridin's Cross where I go right at first and then straight through and I do it with a bow (and the odd spell now and then - I play a Rage... or would that be a Mogue?) I am including smoke break time in that four hours (5-6.) Orzzamar itself I never really timed as I tend to wander around talking to people, stealing, taking the clothes from the opposition's crier, milking the banter, etc. I would be interested in hearing your shortcut but that may be a subject for another thread. This might help, (I don't usually solo, but here is an easy part for a solo artist like yourself) don't go right first, go farther down to the left, and take your party with you. This will get the deep stalkers part. When you come to the cross, clear them out (it's on your lhs when you come out of the tunnel). Then for you, split the team two to the two tunnels on the left side and the other two to the two on the right side. Then lay waste to everything in your path. Save your main character for the tunnel that has the runners outside and the genlock with the pommel to Topsider's honor. That tunnel comes out near the exit. Once you have it, and the other tunnels cleared by your party members, just walk right out the Cross.
  12. I tried that Zevrann mod because I wanted a romancable female elf for my Dalish character, and boy was that strange with BSC. :whistling: I figured a way around it, but never got around to it. If I ever try it again I'll probably use DW's route and just make my own version with my own morph. BTW, what face did you end up using, DW? Just curious if I am guessing the right one. :biggrin:
  13. Very true. And the 4 hours for the Deep Roads, are you including Orzammar with that? I usually take an hour to do Orzammar, and then another hour for the Deep Roads part. The longest part of the DR for me is Caridin's Cross going back and forth, but I have figured a system in there to cut the the travel time by a third.
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