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About Emmarae

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  1. Sorry everyone. I was in a Motorcycle accident in August and have been slowly healing from my injuries. I do plan on getting back into Skyrim and working on this mod again if volunteers permit.
  2. I'm sorry if I'm experimenting with the CK and working on a way to get this to work in a favorable way. No modders have stepped forward and the voice acting talents have slowly moved on to other projects while I'm trying to figure this out alone. Again, I'm sorry if my failure is wasting your time.
  3. Nope, we're kicking and screaming!
  4. I've already begun the work of garnering a modder. We are communicating via email atm, but will be posting for the public once we have a working sample up and running.
  5. Evil storytelling. That's what it is. It's meant to scare children.
  6. Record "Mannimarco, King of Worms". This is a test. It's a necrotic poem. Enjoy the evil voiceacting.
  7. Didn't have the link. Had to dig for it. Got it now. Updating. BTW sounds great :)
  8. Book list is up. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/484856-skyrim-audiobooks/page__view__findpost__p__3965591 Please email me at [email protected] so that I may update the booklist with links to your recordings. At this point there are only a few things that are recorded (that I know of), so please let me know what you've done and so we can start getting organized and get this going! *Looking for someone who is willing to help out with the CK modding portion of this.* *Looking for more voice artists.* Good luck everyone!
  9. Thank you for sending me links to your uploaded recordings. I have received your email and have checked them off of my list. Wish more would do what you did. :) Project != Dead ;) I'll be posting a list soon enough.
  10. That would be easy enough. Each wall has a custom text on it and a word of power. We can just link up that word of power "AoE" with the spell cast. It would be easy enough to do that. Just need the audio :3
  11. Haven't gotten any emails from anyone with their stuff. I can't help you if you can't help me.
  12. Glad to have you. Will be making a to-do list shortly once everyone gets on board (this project was popular at first but then waiting for the CK wounded it slightly). Just need to know what everyone is working on and has done so that I can start giving assignments (seeing as I can't do it myself because I don't have the equip. to do it).
  13. CK IS UP (I'm a bit late) Start emailing me the links to your uploads or send me the files directly (if you service allows you too). The email is [email protected] Have a wonderful Air Force day!
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