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  1. A quick question regarding best practice/performance. Say I have a script that when aiming needs to know whether a player has a weapon with a certain keyword equipped. The obvious way is to call Player.WornHasKeyword(<KEYWORD>) The alternative would be to register a remove event for the OnItemEquipped and OnItemUnequipped events, check for the keyword there and safe the result in a variable. Is any of the two better or more desired, specifically if I want the script to be as fast as possible when processing the "aim" event? Any insight would be much appreciated.
  2. In short, I'm looking for a way to create a traditional activator that is NOT visible to the player on the HUD. Currently, when looking at an activator, the crosshair changes to a square and shows a nice message pops up to let you know you can interact with an object. However, I'm looking for a way to have an activator that the user can activate with a key press, but it is not shown to the player that he can do so. For instance, lets say I want a secret door you. The player can walk up to said door and press the use key and the door will open. However, when the player stands in front of this door, the prompt is now shown. Is such a thing possible?
  3. If the iron sights are visually identical, and you only need to move the front sight forward, then you can use the Remap Node keywords. For instance, the vanilla hunting rifle moves the front sight to the end of the barrel, no matter the length of the barrel. You'll need to add the remapNode_CFrontSight_P-FrontSight [KYWD:00044455] keyword to each barrel in FO4Edit. for every barrel, in NifSkope, in the BSConnectPoint::Parents sections, add a connection point called "P-FrontSight" and position it where you want the front sight to appear. For the iron sights, put the front sight part under a NiNode called CFrontSight. For reference, look at the Hunting Rifles FLutedBarrel_1 nif and the HuntingRifleIronSights_1 nif.
  4. I got the following issue: I have a custom, rather large projectile. When using this custom projectile in VATS, the camera clips through the projectile, causing it to become invisible, or appear glitchy. This issue can be solved by applying the COLLISION from the Junk Jet projectile to the custom projectile. However, this results in improper collision, since the collision of the junk jet projectile is not right shape. Next thing I tried was creating a custom collision mesh. This collision itself works fine, however, it reintroduces the VATS camera bugs. Increasing the size of the collision does not resolve these issues. Looking at the flags for collision, there is a certain attribute 'Projectile Zone', which makes me wonder if there is some sort of special collision or method to tell the VATS camera to keep a certain distance from the projectile. Is anybody familiar with this issue, or does anybody know how to solve this?
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