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  1. Hey there Modders, As much as I love most of the weapon and shield designs in the game it'd been nice if Bioware had given players the option of having "craftable" or even high tier magical Inquisition swords and shields. I love the simplicity of the long sword with the Inquistion Eye hilt, Cassandras Iquisitition Shield or the Dragon Sword Sword that you're presented when you become The Inquisitor. The devil is in the details. :smile: Or if there was a way to swap meshes would fantastic but I know we're not there yet. Here's to a more moddable DA:I! :yes:
  2. The NPC assets would be fantastic to get to utilize from hair to armor. And Atreyuu2003 maybe cool it with the "Muslim" stuff...you said it your own post and now you've said it in mine like it's something derogatory. It's a cowl and it's not uncommon for a fantasy rogue character to have one.
  3. Hey there modders, It be really cool to have the option to be able to choose the NPC's hair and facial hair in the character gen (especially Blackwall's Moustache without the beard and hair). I know that modding is still in the early stages but I think this would be a great thing to add to the "to do list". This and changing Josephine's god awful outfit. :down: Thanks.
  4. Strangely I think the Link look would match the look of this game pretty well....maybe a little less "cartoonish" and "sans" hat but it would work. It would require a new mesh for the outfit itself and sword though...but hopefully someone will want to give it a whirl and make one. :thumbsup:
  5. In order to do this I think it might even require a whole new mesh. This is pretty far outside the any of the characters in game...you couldn't just retexure an existing mesh to do this IMO. If someone wanted to take a stab at this...hey I'm all for new material. :thumbsup:
  6. I do. :tongue: To me the concept art for the Human Noble character(s) is really awesome.... http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/DAO_humannoble.jpg If someone combined armor pieces with a couple of the looks for the Nobles that I gave examples for would be cool. And a lot of Henry's clothing here could work for the right kind of woman as well. :thumbsup:
  7. Hey guys Will one of you talented modders please consider retexturing the Royal clothing to look a little cooler? :P I think that the look of the “Nobility” is a little lack luster…and down-right silly lookin’ in some cases...almost clownish. Like how’s about some “Royal” jewels for Queen Annoying…I mean Anora. Seriously can’t somebody give her Highness a crown…tiara…a jewel encrusted head band maybe? :tongue: The Baroness in Awakening has one. And how about a longer frock…maybe long enough that it covers up those god awful shoes. :yucky: Prime examples to draw from…The Tudors.... http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/TudorKingHenry.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/TudorsKingHenry2.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/Tudorshenrycavillnnn.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/Tudors3.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/Tudors4.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/Tudors2a.jpg
  8. Maybe post this in the "Mod Request" section? :wink:
  9. A little "bump-age". :rolleyes: :whistling: :tongue: And also...I was thinkin'....how's about this (Maybe not this version...maybe like the one Avernus wears)? http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/WardenCommanderMageRobes.jpg Warden Commander Mage Robes? (used Dracomies image for "illustration" purpose only!) For modding purposes it be great if this and the others I'm suggesting were available at Soldiers Peak from Levi or Mikhael. :thumbsup:
  10. Now lets see if someone will take a nibble. :whistling: :tongue:
  11. Yep...the Warden Commander crest is what I'm looking for...cause I figure it should be worn by "you" and no one else. :thumbsup: For my request I personally would want it smaller and not as prominent ( a little more subduded as opposed to the very bold but equally awesome Commander, Runic, Effort armors)...IMO it'll look better asthetically for the 2 versions of the armor that I featured before. And I think adding it the way you'd want would entail a major redesign...which isn't specifically what I'm lookin for....just a tweak or 2 to the original design of the armor that would bring everything together. It would almost look like an cool emblem. :cool: A larger more prominent crest would look great on a suit of Scalemail I think. :wink:
  12. Yeah...my thinking on this was that the "Warden" crest would definitely be smaller with some accents to tie into these suits of armor but basically keep most of the original design. Just a little somthin' that let's you know on sight....'Yeah...I'm a Warden...I eat Dark Spawn for breakfast!" :thumbsup: Ghost11 and others have done such a great job making specialized Warden gear...it make perfect sense that they have their own "uniforms" if you will to distinguish them from just any warrior.
  13. Hey there fellow DAO enthusists and creators I wanna put ot a request (or two :tongue: ) for those of us that love the "Grey Warden" Armors that have been released lately...they are really awesome but wish that there was something equally as special that didn't require you to don a "Massive" suit of armor...especially those of us that like to play Elves and Rogues. Would someone (or 2) of the very talented creators around be willing to retexture/mod suits of light and medium armors that would take some style ques from Ghost11's great runic warden armor? I have some sloppy examples that I threw together that I hope will illustrate what I'm lookin for. Light Armor http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/LightWardenArmor.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/LightWardenArmor2.jpg This one is probably my fave of the light armor....a small "warden" griffon crest on the chest but keeping the same style as the studded leather. Medium/Heavy Armor http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/ElvishWardenArmor.jpg "Warden" crest and the suit and rest of the set recolored to silver with varying tones of chain that keep the style of the Ancient Elven Armor...the Elven Grey Warden Armor...has a nice ring to it. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/WardenHeavyChain.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n172/blkcasanova247/WardenHeavychain2.jpg Now I certainly don't expect these all to be done...I just wanted to put out some ideas that I hope might peak someones interest. I know that time is at a premium so any consideration of this would be humbly appreciated. Take care and thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks a bunch brother...that's the one! :thumbsup:
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