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About kilajosh

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    United States
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    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. Just thought I'd update for those unaware, I got it working with kiddrabbits suggestion, I was worried that maybe it was a bit hacky/ and the implications of normal armor if everything gets fliped, but for me it just seems to be the hat, using the bodref any clothes i make seem to fit nicely and not flip around once i copy the weight paint from the male body ref using outfit studio. Hope everyone can use this if they run into similar issues.
  2. Thanks @kiddrabbit I shall try those settings right now real quick.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/90rNB61.png Hello everyone! As you can see in the picture above, I've been trying to get a helmet/hat working with a custom mesh and texture. For some reason its flipped upside down. My workflow is this. Make mesh in blender, using imported game meshs for scale(BaseMaleHead for example) Export as obj from blender Create new project in outfit studio with baseMaleHead as the reference(its NOT upside down in outfit studio, or blender, The axis is also corrected for fallout 4 as well from blender, Y is up) Weight paint the helmet to the HEAD bone that comes from creating the project using baseMaleHead. Export as nif from outfit studio. Open in nifscope(its upside down in nifscope as well, thought it might've be okay in game, was wrong) Link up the textures and everything ?? Profit ?? I don't really know what to do after that, its boggling my mind, if i cant even get a simple hat working I'm getting a little discouraged about armor and other stuff(which I really want to do) http://i.imgur.com/Iu7ZP4C.png Here it is inside nifscope. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I really wanna get into modding but am being met with constant frustration and weird roundabout ways.
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