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Nexus Mods Profile

About CokeVoAYCE

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    United States
  1. my game lags no matter how low i put my settings. i set it to ultra quality, or i set it to low quality, and it still has the same exact performance. when the launcher auto detects the best graphics setting for me, it sets my game to ultra, but it still lags like hell. i play fallout 4 on high quality, and it runs perfectly fine. so i know the issue can't be my comp being too weak. any ideas? this is my computer build: https://prnt.sc/f508c5
  2. my game lags no matter how low i put my settings. i set it to ultra quality, or i set it to low quality, and it still has the same exact performance. when the launcher auto detects the best graphics setting for me, it sets my game to ultra, but it still lags like hell. i play fallout 4 on high quality, and it runs perfectly fine. so i know the issue can't be my comp being too weak. any ideas? this is my computer build: https://prnt.sc/f508c5
  3. can someone explain what the difference is between GOG and steam? what are the pros and cons of each?
  4. can there be a mod made where you can set up your own crosses and put people you captured on them or something. especially if you joined caesers legion, but even if you didn't i think it would be cool. if a mod like this already exists, can someone link me? thanks in advance.
  5. I always wanted to get into FNV but never could because of the camera angle. It doesn't zoom out enough for me. I liked the Fallout 3 camera angle they did like this: http://prntscr.com/f62ql8 in FNV, the camera doesn't let me show the entire character no matter how far I zoom out. for example: Also, I don't like how the camera zoom changes when i holster my weapon. Any of you know any setting changes or mod changes I could add to make the FNV camera act like the camera FO3 had? thanks in advance.
  6. Hey, I bought Fallout 4 a long time ago when it first came about but was never able to get far playing it because it was too laggy. I gave up a while ago but I'm coming back to give it another try now and I'm looking for a few tips. Do any of you guys know a collection of mods or adjustments I could do to the game to make it more playable? This is my pc build: http://prntscr.com/f508c5 Thanks for any help.
  7. is there a way for me to check the traffic on specifically nexus sites, like the site for oblivion, skyrim, fo3, etc. i'm just wondering because i like to see if a game's modding is dead or is picking up pace (specifically the oblivion site). i like to see that stuff cuz i get a weird left behind feeling if i'm playing an old game no one else is playing, and i just want to see if other people are still playing and modding some of these old games. sorry if i could've posted this in a better spot, i figured off topic forum will be okay. thanks in advance.
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