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About hoshi23

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may i say you sound like adolf hitler. also you in a state of trance.
Yeah like the US did to Iraq when they started trading in Euros. Haleluja. Not that im a fan of Saddan the scumbag.
For everyone who want to know how money is created out of debt. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2550156453790090544&hl=de&emb=1# Watch it and have fun. Lots of quality quotes in there.
im not so fond of alex myself. haha. hes okay having understood that the money system by debt is crazy and trying to shake pople wake but the things is poeple have to stand up for themself and see that this money is just an idea and does not represent actual value. so it be interesting to see after this crash if poeple fall for it again. 911 is not real debate here. there are countless engineers and architects standing up to what happened there. one cannot explain building 7 rationally with what the "commission" did give out. if you continue rationally the official story gonna turn out to be biggest conspiracy bulllcrap thats been fed to poeple eva. anyway. rfid. they got rfid scanners in the household trash cans in britain already. i dont know how much. but it is ever growing i think. go ahead google it. i swear people are crazy.
With the least drop of responsibility such a catastrophic event would not have happened. America wake up. You, the whole world, is being fooled on so many level. So much violence against nature. Needlessly. Everbody suffer from it. Not only the enviroment, but poeple polute themself while still paying for it. The whole mentality associated with this nonsense has to die or there gonna be more crashes. Like has been said elsewhere. Greed eats brain and brings nothing but far greater pain aswell as complexity to the situation. A complexity which cannot be managed and understood without applying ethical value. If people cannot see this they are easy prey to criminal organisations with the reputations. You need not be like sheep. Be like lions.
Make that 'in about 7 years' or 'never' - CCP have a terrible track record in attending to stuff that was poorly implemented. http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1327362 Please support this, if you think CCP should spend some time on fixing the stuff that's broken or was forgotten about. that is quite funny to see. i stopped about a year ago and was there for maybe 3? back then they used to have this threads all over. fix moar. blasters are weak. :biggrin:
Do you young people (defined as being born 1988-Present) have inherent
hoshi23 replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Debates
Modding and computer programming are the life force? :confused: you speak of life force and the decline there of in human form are you not. what makes a good learner. that are all the things you ask. you cannot understand that if you dont understand what makes a good life and that has to do with what energy is avaible now has it not. if there is no ressources avaible you learn this already in the material world then i cannot learn i cannot eat i cannot do nothing so you ask where does this come from. i am giving you the answer in you. nothing more. and that is life force. wanna ignore that then that is not my world and you can play alot in assumptions rather then looking what is there. all it takes is look at the facts. and that is there is alot of life force and it conditions how good you learn among other things. *shrug* im not telling anything special new or alien. :teehee: -
Do you young people (defined as being born 1988-Present) have inherent
hoshi23 replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Debates
learning about the life force, huh? well some things are just like they are and some things are not. they are more allowing for this things to happen. so where you go from here on is a choice i leave to you. haha. -
i dont have any distinctions in that like you may born with them but i dont have them. yes and i want to say again war whatfor all this war and how it conditions the individual? the american eagle is looking to peace not war. this is not what founding fathers envisioned. yet what happens. so a system like we have it now where everything is owned by private banks is a big fail. highly unstable and arrogant. this is very on topic. if you dont get the subtle part and are blind on one eye i cannot force you to magicly open it. and on that poeple are still trapped into the dogma are they not? so here is the individual reflected. do you have the courage to see or not. love or fear. big round for somethign so very small. yes. not the intention to derail at all. Regardless of intention, your response does not seem to address or answer the question which is being asked. Instead it merely trails on about other things which would be the subject of a different debate. If you were making a point somewhere in there, you seem to have totally failed. You may wish to review your posts before submitting them to ensure that they actually say anything in regard to what is being discussed in that thread. You will not receive another warning. - Vagrant0
Democratic system we live in is the worse kind of system as the founding fathers rightly said. Poeple are enslaved and have no courage. Soldier are so enslaved they have been made to believe to search terrorist in some cave while all they do is protect heroin production. need proof? kasai brother is heroin head honcho and they both work with cia since the cold war. this is kown fact likewise that is is known fact that since we moved into afghanistan heroin produtcion skyrocketed. whoever does not see the disgrace involved with this is a tool that i could order to do all this things for a hunger loan and worse but then i could not live with myself. it would mean to abolish all good for practicly no gain. poeple think money has value. ..... ...... i believe a cow standing on the field is smarter then that. she atleast knows what is good to her. human being is an individual that is to realise full potencial here now and what could that be? ps: lastly the world is very simple if you understand it in you
hi, hoshi here, some poeple here are way to funny, so here goes: as always reflect first and talk later. health care-> citie bank fraud-> welcome to the matrix live. you have the right to inform yourself. if you dont you can end up a tool for whole sale-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G10y1EhCUkk&feature=related welcome to the->
hi, hoshi here, watch this, reflect for yourself, free from any bias and then comment. dont rush this. this is not for poeple with a short attention span as they are pooping up all over the place. take decent time for yourself. and last but not least enjoy who you are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ&feature=related
On a forum can be especially hard to sense sometimes.
First they said 300k then 800k and now it comes out it is 4 million liters per day. Lying until it dont go anymore. + Corexin from Nalco? Yep you guessed it ! BP is in Nalco. Exxon is in Nalco and it is just another poison. Arent we all a happy family`in truth as one?
watch matrix. it tells you all about it.