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About Gnatozuj

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    Baldur's Gate

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  1. Anyone? I rly wanna know if somone have the same problem, or this is bug. I liked to play Khajit, bur tail like this unaceptable for me.
  2. Double post... On Forum O.o I dont know how i make this O.o
  3. Offcorse dragonplate. If i can't get more furr, then Dragonplate should match to my rusty style too ; )
  4. Hello. I have a problem with Khajit tails, what to say? Better i show you... http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/7456/screenshot63641.jpg As you can see, meshes is broken. I have tryied to reinstall game, but that dsnt fix anything... Anyone have any idea? Gnat
  5. I wanna see staff on my back, like in Oblivion : (
  6. Pls. Im agree with that. Can somone do this kind of mod? Or it is impossible right now?
  7. Hello. If somone is able to make Staffs visible after equip on back? Like 2 handed swords? Like in Dragon Age 2. You are wearing your staffs, they did not disapear. I will be very thankfull if somone do. Gnat
  8. Salve all I have a big problem with starting my modding journey. I hope somone will help me how to figur it out. What kind of problem i have? Pls, dont laught... I just cant make Blender work propertly with nif. files. I have tryied to change them in NifSkope, i have installed NifSkrypt, Python and Pyffi. But Blender do not wanna read my meshes. I'm using this Tutorial . I have tryied to export it to obj. file... Maybe a have did something wrong? Maybe bad installation? Anyone have idea? I wil be very greatfull. I rly wanna to start making something by my own. I have so many free time, and a lot of idea... But im just nooby in this. And i dont wanna stay on retexturing level ; ) Somone will help lost woman? Gnat.
  9. Pls delete, i have remove this question to other section.
  10. You think they will relase some kind of DLC with this fantastic staffs? Dragon flying, spears... Yummi. I hope they will do this : ) And i cant w8.
  11. Ok. I see somone with HD Texture pack have the same problem. I have reinstalled game, and do not install HD Texture pack (i pick one from Nexus, it work's fantastick). Now i finnaly can change Vilkas ^^ TY! When you said that i can have missed files, i have get this idea. : )
  12. Hello, friends (i hope) I have this problem with my Creation Kit When i try to see full body everything is fine... But when it comes to head... http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5541/64152816.jpg Anyone have idea how to fix that? I wanna change Vilkas, but i cant do this if I cant see what im doing ^^" I will be very greatfull... And if this problem exist, pls dont punish me. I've tryed to search for this, but i found nothing. Maybe somone smarter will help me? Blessed be.
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