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About Bri01

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    United States
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    DragonAge,Skyrim,ETC, ETC!

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  1. I tried removing the default male and female . All it does is makes me crash to desktop. If you use FNIS Behavior mod he has done a DB Update for these "float and dragon riding bugs" http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811 it fixed my problem . Hope this helps you guys out.
  2. does it play any different in window mode as to full window mode?? I ask because Im the same way.
  3. Indeed! My gal before was moving ins low mo it drove me nuts. I wanted so bad to see the details I saw on the forums. Now I do !!
  4. hehe I have been getting that alot lately. My closest friends know I am excited because for almost 4 years I have been using this walmart special rig.So every game I play right now my friends are laughing at me because I say stuff like ....."wow I didn't know that was there","OMG THE DETAILS", etc etc .Course these are the same guys that call me the adorably cute nuub tho >.>. Men !
  5. Yeah its not always noticeable but right now I'm playing it off as blonde streaks ! Yeah the details look amazing. I didn't realize how much detail i was missing. Her blue eyes are amazing now. I don't even mind I can't find my profiles.This is like playing a whole new game.
  6. Its awesome ! I love this new video card,makes everything crisp.The skin texture looks great and I have a piece of paper for the awkward moments .(my only problem is right now is more hair is making me look like I have bald spots)
  7. hehe I have a new computer and new graphics card so maybe the up will be better viewed LOL
  8. Oh you did the Escaped ! HAHA Yeah that would have been hilarious . Im getting used to the nudity . My gal sure makes alot of guys salute tho >>
  9. hehe Yes I got the full salute. Yes the noble died standing up.... so to speak>.>. once I got over the shock of being saluted every time I came across a nude male it was ok.......Crap the ending scene in the prison is gonna be fun o.O. "Hey its a woman!! Let's wave!!" Ironhound they do have a mod that you can add panties or some such. i just chose this because the time period they would have been comando style or wearing really long underwear. I just couldn't see my gal in granny draws. I also like how this slims out the female and gives good curves instead of making them look manly. It's a woman thing >.> . Im curvy ,I want my characters to be also and look great when they fight !
  10. I like this mod. Tho I wasn't expecting to see the prisoner in ostager waving at me . >.> I had forgot to mess with the male settings.Trying out the human noble one was interesting to . Where your female character wakes up in bed with the other noble male. He dies giving the salute. Normally I don't mind since I'm female but holy . I don't have one and even I know they don't do *that* Other than that .........am glad I don't walk into many places where there would be alot of naked men . THAT would be awkward.
  11. Ok so I'm a total noob. What I was doing wrong was I was trying to make an override file for it. Using the Overide Creator and finally the lightbulb came on about dragging the file into the mods area after unzipping it. NOW it works hehe. Thank you for your help =)
  12. ok so I have the file installed. but when i have DA MOD Manager open in the installed files I named it nude so I have it open says its compatible. but doesnt give me an option to config it??? What is going on with that?? I have tried reinstalling it. I had it Natural Bodies all in one, I have tried several ways of renaming it. am confused now.
  13. I have both DA Updaters. I'm and really lost on how to use the DAMod manger. I try to upload files or try to "drag into the right box" and it tells me there not the right DA zip files. Alot of work to get a mod uploaded it seems.Reading the forums description makes no sense. *sighs* guess its one mod Im not meant to have.
  14. it also depends on your graphics card and settings. I know that my graphics were set to low but when I moved it to medium and high I started getting color variations. when you first start up DA well on the pc version. you have a option to configure go there to video and see what your settings are at. Change to desired view and it "should" help. I found this out after alot of tweaking with things =D
  15. Ok I have downloaded some mods I like but they are clashing. I love More Hairstyles but every time I try to use something that gives me more eye color its one of those eyes or hair situations.Is there a eye coloring mod that works with More Hair?? I also can't seem to configure Natural Bodies All In One I have it in the folder but I don't see anything that lets me configure it. In game or in DAModder
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