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Nexus Mods Profile

About snaaaaaaakee

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I've been making custom followers for myself and my friends for a few years now, but it's been on and off so every time I solve one of my own problems I end up forgetting the solution the next time I run into the problem again. The most irritating problems so far have been 1- Some of the followers have voice sets that aren't technically compatible and it makes them unable to be recruited; I used to have a solution for this that involved a weird mix of the "make anyone a follower or marriagable" mod on the Nexus and "Multiple Followers Lite" from the Steam workshop. But good lord i cannot remember what modding gymnastics i did to make that work. I think I did it on accident. those mods arent actually compatible. They have all the voice lines for being a follower as far as I know, they're just not in the category of voices followers can use. The main npc I have that has this problem has the malecommoner voice, and I used to be able to have him as a follower using the made up solution I listed above, on my old computer. If there's any way to just set the voice to be able to be used by followers then that'd be ideal, but I actually know very little about the more extensive uses of the creation kit. 2- I'm not entirely sure how to actually change their skill values, their class doesn't seem to affect them at all. This one's not the most important, since I don't actually pay that much attention to my followers during combat anyway, as long as they're at least holding the right weapon I don't usually mind it. But it'd be nice to have it be the way I want it, I think. 3- the list of things that count as spells is so big and upsetting and while I would love to know if I can make my paladin use the dragon tail smash attack, I don't feel like going through and testing which spells they're actually capable of using. Does anyone know of a list or anything about that? 4- this isn't actually a recurring problem but I feel like it's concerning enough to mention; I took some of my followers into County Bruma to explore that new mod with me, which was tons of fun. We brought back lots of fun new colovian clothes and alcohol to sell back in skyrim, but we did not bring back one of the followers, because he just kind of stopped following me on a mountain path. He was still my follower, and if I talked to him his dialogue options were all as if he was following me but I could not get the man to budge. Tried disable/enabling him, then just dismissed him and decided to see if that would work. He still didn't move, so I just left him there figuring I could try and fix it later or something. Unsurprisingly, he did not go home at all, and he's probably still on that mountain, so I tried to just spawn in a copy of him to replace him. He spawned in wearing nothing except for his sword. I decided to just delete him as an npc and remake him from the top, but I'd like to know if anyone has any idea what might have caused him to do that? It was very concerning and I'd like to avoid having that happen again I think.
  2. I actually already have the armonizer set, it's one of my favorites and it's got some hype armor for my paladin in it I don't think the third one would work for my character, but it could be really cute on one of my female characters actually or putting my paladin in it because he's an eye candy man that tries to hide under platemail so people don't think he looks like a SMALL COWARD i guess I can't swear here thats fine i guess
  3. those last two are actually pretty good! The first one I already use on another character and it suits him great, the red looks so sick. Thanks, I'll try those out!
  4. I gave an example to try and give a general idea of what I want, but to be more specific I guess I mean more like somewhere between armor and standard clothing. Like, not loaded up on equipment and pauldrons and straps, but maybe a padded vest and sturdy gloves. I've tried looking through the first few pages sorted by most endorsed, but there's nothing that really catches my eye. I do have Armonizer and Immersive armors installed, and I love both of them, but they suit the npc's and my other characters more than this one. The Apotheus armor is okay, but it's a bit too dull and dark for me, you know?
  5. sometimes the purple texture thing can be fixed by verifying the integrity of the game files in steam, it's really easy to do and googling it pulls up the instructions on how pretty much immediately. if you have the patience for it, cleaning the mods with tes5edit should help as well, but you'd have to check and make sure the mods don't say not to do that. LOOT tells you which mods need cleaning too, so you don't have to bother cleaning mods that don't actually need it.
  6. I'm trying to find some good light armor for my character who's a thief archer, but he looks stupid as hell walking through whiterun in full nightingale armor. or really anything that's supposed to be like. super sneak man all black dark hood no fun allowed here I am in broad daylight wearing this outfit that definitely doesn't make it look like I'm here to do CRIMES. I tried looking at the armor category but there's over a thousand mods in it that I can't really narrow down effectively, it's all either titty armor or big man smash with big muscles, or the male version of titty armor, or GOOD LIGHT ARMOR THAT HAS COLORS AND LOOKS GOOD BUT NO BOYS ALLOWED. Like, something like this would be literally perfect, but as far as I've seen nobody makes armor like that for male characters anyway i need armor recommendations if you guys know of anything that might work. It doesn't have to be exactly that type of thing, I'm willing to consider a lot of stuff and I'm not super picky I just. want to not look like a dumbass
  7. quick question actually- I don't have an enb and I don't really want one since my computer's never really worked well with them, would it be worth getting the software anyway and just keeping it turned off for the sake of getting enboost or is it not that important?
  8. Cool, thanks! I'll try that out and see if it works.
  9. I've been getting frequent CTD's at specific locations for a while now, so far it's been Dragonsbridge, Riverwood, and Morthal. My papyrus logs don't show any errors before the game shuts down, and I don't have any mods that affect all of those places. I've checked and double checked my load order, tried uninstalling mods that would affect those areas or just have a lot of scripting involved. I'm pretty sure it's because my game is running out of memory at those places, since towns without loading screens are a bit intensive and there's no signs of any mod conflicts or other reasons for crashing. But I've tried moving my steam directory out of program files, installing the SKSE memory patch, pretty much any suggestion I've found online. Nothing seems to be fixing it. here's my skse.ini settings [Display]iTintTextureResolution=2048 [General]ClearInvalidRegistrations=1EnableDiagnostics=1 [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=1024ScrapHeapSizeMB=384 and my load order any help would be greatly appreciated!(ps: Badboiz.esp is my follower mod that i made, all it does is add some custom followers and changes sheogorath's appearance.)
  10. It's okay I don't have a particular time frame in mind, I completely understand, this was just me asking if anyone would like to undertake it! It would be great if you could give it a go, would really help me out a lot! And haha dont worry its fine :smile: Edit: Just if you are going to start it, just let me know and also let me know which ones you are currently doing etc, because if I get replies from others I might not need you to make all of them :smile: Also I added in the instructions for creating some roadsigns as I need them doing too, would you be interested? They seem much easier but I still couldnt do them :sad: Sure, the road signs shouldn't be a problem! as for the shop signs, I'll probably start with the Drunken Archer and Crossed Swords ones, since those sound pretty fun to do. I'll let you know when I finish those and start working on other ones.
  11. Any time this needs to be done by? I'm a professional artist and wouldn't mind a small side project like this one, but since it doesn't pay it'd be relatively low on my priority list and would probably take a few weeks to complete. It's understandable if that's a bit too long for you, I just wanted to know. Edit: fyi my icon is not an example of my work, i just realized how terrible it looks when im trying to make a serious post
  12. I installed the Natural Lighting and Vivid Atmospherics ENB preset, and the preset itself seems to be working fine, but the enb program itself only changes any settings made to "interior" settings of the respective time of day, and the changes occur in every cell in the game. It's kind of made it so that everywhere that isn't an interior cell looks terrible, especially at night. I haven't found any other people having the same problem so far, does anyone have an idea of what might be causing it? If more information about my game is needed I can give it.
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