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  1. Is it possible? No idea.. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Since tessellation was popularized its use in game has gone down constantly. Its good for like.. rocks.. and tree.. And with the amount of rocks and trees in Skyrim it could be crippling. Parrallax mapping has really proven to be the better option over the years. At least for most situations.
  2. Playing thru Dragonborn for my third time now "first I ended up with a bloated savegame from the sos civilizations mod then I found a fix this morning after I had already started a new game before" sooo.. Finally about to finish this expansion after many troubles and now I'm getting stuck thanks to a Bethesda bug T_T I can't read the Book "Waking Dreams" during the quest "At the Summit of Apocrypha" I just see the book.. and.. nothing.. I can close it and go back to running around or whatever but it's script is failing. No I didn't forget to learn the shout. Ive tried removing the book and adding it back with "player.remove/additem 04016e22 1" But the book just takes me back to an earlier cutscene location where I become stuck ;3; Anyone know of a spell effect attached to the book I can access with the console or something? I saw some things connected to the book when searching "help waking" like some ACTI codes which I understand to be item placement information "am I wrong?" Is there anything I can do to force this event on my game since the book won't work?
  3. Alright.. Someone at Bethesda working on the Riekling clutter was either new or moving to fast. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/920128278738563160/E5F239E347677EE8CDD8F0D41BE9326127115028/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/920128278738562049/E49667C639ED6E64A25B9C7887AAA38474D399B4/ As you can see. That bush, Bridge piece, Skull, Stretched Leather, and a Bone I didn't get a shot of all are fullbright even in the dark. This isn't the first time Ive noticed Bethesda making this mistake. It was a problem with the honeypot too. But this is the most obvious offence Ive seen. I have a feeling that Beth wont be fixing this either ;_; So its gonna be up to us moddders. I'm Curious if anyone else has noticed this or knows exactly what the problem is? I first thought it was the alpha in the diffuse texture but after turning off my ENB its now more clear that it is either a material issue or a Nif defect. And yes I know this is a game glitch and not exactly a Mod topic but its obvious to me this is going to become a mod project since Beth wont touch this :/ My firelogs would still be purple if it wasn't for the modders.
  4. help ash 0 Shows all items with the word "ash"
  5. Got it! .. player.addspell 03027bfb, player.removespell 03027bfb
  6. From the new dragonborn DLC Ash Guardian effect... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/920128278722800749/997116040FFBC7F8DD37EB323F2D3532D2E5E23E/ Not sure of the ID for it or how to get it yet ;3;
  7. I would look it up in the CK but its not compatible with Dragonborn yet.. sure there is a way around this.. But YES! Not the only one with this! xD We will fix this.. It is the Ash Guardian effect and it is from the new DCL.
  8. Having this too D: Need to find the spell ID for the Ash Guardian since I'm 100% sure that is what is causing this. Started right when the first one showed up on screen. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/920128278722800749/997116040FFBC7F8DD37EB323F2D3532D2E5E23E/
  9. Kudos! .. xD I was not aware of this.
  10. Just noticed Skyrim updated this morning with a new High-Res pack for the Dragonborn DLC.. Problem.. The old method of inserting "HighResTexturePack03.bsa" into the Skyrim.ini Archive load list doesn't seam to be loading this new pack.. I have to enable the BSA file to get it to show up. This means I can't mod any textures in the game without loosing the HD pack or unpacking. Anyone else notice this or attempt to find a work around?
  11. Depends on the mod.. Ive yet to see anyone talking about mod conflict. This has me a little worried o-o I thought at least someone would be commenting on issues with loot lists and animation mods... Maybe its just to early. Safe bet is 3 weeks if its a big mod and is still supported.
  12. ((FIXED)) Was a driver update.. Had to downgrade to an older driver. http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1384
  13. Last night I got the bright idea to try and see what skyrim looked like with it enabled. I use Anaglyph 3D Vision with my Nvidia 550ti drivers. This was fine and worked alright but when I disabled it I was left with a broken ENB. The cyan color was filling my screen when I have ENB enabled. Ive reinstalled my ENB, Uninstalled 3D vision Drivers, Reinstalled 3D vision drivers, I'm only able to play my game with ENB disabled now or I get a nasty Cyan color overlaying my screen. All I know for sure is this was caused by Anaglyph 3D and it only appears with ENB enabled so it must have effected something ENB uses "since its been reinstalled entirely" I'm praying I don't need to reinstall Skyrim. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/919001647871826622/7338D7D10F885F8DC0B27699BA1EA198E2EECAFD/ Does anyone know what could have caused this or how to fix it?
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