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Everything posted by kbailey921
Sorry double post
I believe you have to press C to get them grounded. I am not 100% sure but I believe so.
No worries glad its not just me. It is probably just a bug in the creation kit for right now. I have looked but found no fix.
I tried out the Creation Kit by trying to create an NPC. However, I ran into a problem. I copied off of Gabriella. And my NPC's head is completley discolored. How can I fix this?
The character I have now is a character I created using the Skyrim alternate start manager. And i am trying to go for a more RP outlook on it and I'm using the ranger armor mod that uses the db armor. and I was wondering if there was anyway that I could rename the db armor to Ranger's Glove,Boots,Cuirass, Greaves aso. using the Fomm. I tried to change it using tesnip. But idk what I'm doing. any help would be appreciated.
I doubt this is possible as of yet until the creation kit comes out but I am looking for a ranger type mod similar to that of the Shadow Rangers Mod created By Hobbs for Oblivion would be pretty awesome, In that mod you were able to have a Wolf, Bear, Leopard( I don't really like the dogs that follow you around A wild wolf would seem like more of something that a ranger would have) pet follow you around like the companions in Skyrim. But you were given different spells that you could teach your animal of choice such as, Play Dead, Attack Target, Defend the player, Defend the target, Guard area, Or scout for enemies among other spells. This mod also added a Ranger Faction and armor and weapons as you leveled up, you were granted Better Spells(like Night Eye,Calm Animals,A berserk type spell to make your pet stronger for a period of time. ,Passive bonuses such as more damage with a bow,sword,better sneaking indoors better sneaking outdoors, I also think it would be cool to add trip wire traps, Poisoned Bear traps. And maybe some other traps. As well as a portable camp. In Oblivion, there was a mod that gave you a portable campsite with a Tent, Fire, Storage, A stool, Bedroll, And when the campsite was up it gave you a map marker to travel to. I think mods like this or a ranger overhaul would be something that some people would like including myself. And I am aware that this most likely isn't possible without the Creation Kit. But I wanted to post this so people would give me a feedback on if this is a good idea or a bad idea and so on.
I was going to do that. After I seen if there was any mods out there. Because if there is a mod for it then there is no need to bug an author to add an armor set that someone else has already created. But ty for the response.
I was wondering if anyone has found a mod that makes this armor craftable. I have Lost art of the Blacksmith, And More craftables but I dont seem to recall being able to make that armor and i like how the armor looks.
You can approach him. All you have to do is when Ireleth tries to talk to you just either tab out of it or just exit conversation because you give it to the steward not the Jarl.
I am just looking for the quick start mod that was released. I downloaded a part of it and when i went to download the other part the mod disappeared off the website. It was the quick start mod that gave you 4 saved games, Qs-Darkbrotherhood, Qs-Thievesguild Qs-Compainonsguild qs-magesguildcollage. I just want to get the two saved files that start you out either following Hadvar or Ralof(even though it would be easy to simply start a new game and do it myself, Ive done it to much and the beginning was starting to be more of a hassle) If anyone can help at all. It would be appreciated
It isn't forced down your throat. Once you go to Riverwood. Just don't do what the first quest says to do and you wont run into any dragons until you do the dragon quest in Whiterun. There is no other quests that further the progress of the main quest line except before the storm i believe its called. As long as u don't go to Whiterun talk to the Jarl and tell him about dragons they wont be around. If you didn't know any better, You don't find out you are a dragon born until you do the proper quests. So you don't have to be that special snowflake aso. You can do whatever it is that you want
I didn't complete her quest....I completed her daughters and husbands. I am playing on the Xbox 360 so there is no console as far as I know. I just need to figure out how to trigger her quest to start so I can do it. Ok. I will look around and try to find out how I can help you. I am not sure exactly what problem you are havinf but i went to the darkwater crossings talked to her why she is by the fire and she gave me a quest to kill some bandits and now she is following me. So the only thing I could think of is she is bugged on your save.
I didn't complete her quest....I completed her daughters and husbands. I am playing on the Xbox 360 so there is no console as far as I know. I just need to figure out how to trigger her quest to start so I can do it. Ok. I will look around and try to find out how I can help you.
If you completed the quest for her then it should open her up as a follower, However if it doesn't. Open up the console. Then target Annekke Crag-Jumper and type into the console addfac 5c84d 1 this will add her to the follower faction.
I just have a question in regards to Sapphire(NPC). I used the console to make her able to marry me and used the console command to make her follow me. And for the most part it works, Except she doesn't have voice acting on a couple different things, Such as when I click on her most NPCS will say "I've got your back' Or "Lead on" "Still here" "I'm right behind you" and when i click on the store, She doesn't say " Oh, a little bit of this a little bit of that" "Some may call this junk,I call it treasure" and the"trinkets odds and ends that sort of thing" and also when you command her to do something she doesn't say the dialog associated with that She doesn't say all of what I typed up. She does however say everything else in regards what a normal non-consoled follower would say. And I also did this on Hroki and she has all the right dialog, Is there anything I can add to my Skyrim folder to get these dialogs opened up. its not game breaking but I would like to know if there is anything I can do to fix it because Sapphire is probably my favorite NPC aside from Hroki. any helps or tips would be appreciated. I tried to extract the voices bsa with bsa opt but i am not entirely sure what voice files I am missing.
This is where you can find the actor values. Also. I didn't mention in my message before you have to click on her in the console to force the actor values. I have her following me. and she is just like a regular follower, I haven't ran into any issues as of yet. and I don't think I will run into any issues. Or at least that is my hope. If you have any other questions. either mssg me or I will periodically check the topic http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29:ActorValue_List
An answer to that issue. Is to use the console command. and type in Forceav Confidence 4. She will never run away. Forceav Morality 0 if you want her to kill whatever. because she wont attack guards or pick locks or do other things that isnt good If forceav doesnt work use the command setav in its place. Sometimes forceav doesn't want to work. You may also want to buff up her skills as well depending on your type of game play Like. I used console to make her better with a blade, Better with bow, Better with lightarmor, Better with sneak
First off. To marry Hroki. Via the console. You need to go find her open up the console click on her. then type in addfac 19809. Then after that use the console again while targetting her and type in Setrelationshiprank 4 Then you can marry her.
Ty. I will try it out.
I shall check them out, I remeber shadowfang keep, I played it awhile back its pretty awesome. I haven't tried scarlet monastery yet but ill give it a try. ty.
Tyvm. I will try them all out. And i like a challenge with my mods, I am a ranger with a uber wolf compainon so i can pwn anyone in the face.
What are some of the dungeon mods that people would recommend? I am just looking for something different then all the boring vanilla stuff, I have fcom and a number of other mods installed. However I am hoping for some mod that changes the dungeons around, Makes them more fun and difficult. Or just any mod that adds dungeons to play around with.
I am going to make an stealth type character, Hopefully a ranger type character, With the bow and a companion aso. Kinda like the Shadow Ranger Mod that Hobbs created. If i cant be a ranger type character, I will be a sneaky assassin. I am definitely looking forward to the dark brotherhood. I think that will be interesting.