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About kevinshively

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  1. using that command dosent help also its not certain settings its the whole enb gui. I cant change anything or open any tabs at all.
  2. ok so I just got back into Skyrim and im a very experienced Modder so I know my way around the game and its files and how to fix problems but I need a little help with something. when using any ENB I cannot change any of the enb settings in game at all. when I try to click on the check marks or tabs they just recheck or close. the only time I can mess with the enb settings is during a loading screen. im at a complete loss. I have a 7970 with the latest driver and im using the latest enb from the enb site. please if anyone can help...
  3. ya im not looking for someone to finisht if for me and do all the work. i just need help with makeing some interiors. not scripting of anything like thqat just some basic stuff that just takes awile to do once the interiors are done i just have to navamest the world space add monsters and then release the mod as sun valley 2! so ya and scottmack its all good dont stop working on your own mods to help me im looking for someone who is done with there mods and needs something to work on and sun valley is going to be huge so it will get u a lot of attention in the modding comunity if thats what ur into.
  4. ok so im almost done with sun valley but im having a really hard time finding time to work on the mod. all that needs to be done are the interiors and some side quests. but ill handel the quests im just looking for a modder or two who are willing to help out and create some awsome interiors. if u decide to help u will be a part of the sun valley team and given full credit for all of your work. please i really need some help i keep getting people wanting it done but i cant do it alone it has almost 2 years of work put into it so its a big mod just need some help to finish it off. thanks for reading just pm me if your interested
  5. ok thanks man the light thing really helped but the water is not missing in the geck its missing in game and i dont know y the screen shots were taken in game.
  6. ok well for some reason in my world space ginats squares are missing out of the river and lakes in my world space sun valley here are some screen shots: http://www.mediafire.com/?bed869x1gd1do5d i have know idea why its doing this and really need some help. also how do i make it to where street lights only come on at night?
  7. no its not image space its weather i need to figure out how to make a spacific weather pattern only affect a small area of the map
  8. ok so im my world space i have a swampy area kinda like point lookout. i want the swampy area to be foggy but the rest of the world space to be sunny like normal. i want the same effect that searchlight has but not green fog it will be gray. i have no idea how to do this can someone please help me. i know how to edit the color of the fog and stuff but how do a actuly make that area of the map have that kinda weather with out making the whole world space that weather?
  9. Hahahahahahaha! That's hilarious. You really should google this and read some of the tutorials but in the mean time did you make sure you put a condition on the greeting to only use your NPC? Is your topic a greeting? Have you tried a force greet script if it is not a greeting? Best of Luck. i figured it out awile ago its all good now
  10. ok so im my world space i have a swampy area kinda like point lookout. i want the swampy area to be foggy but the rest of the world space to be sunny like normal. i want the same effect that searchlight has but not green fog it will be gray. i have no idea how to do this can someone please help me. edit: also how do i make it to where light ar only on at night like street lights?
  11. Ok so ive been working on Sun Valley for over a year now and it should be done by this weekend. I really need help with Generating to LOD of Sun Valleys world space. every atempt ive made has failed or has cause the world to become completly flat in game. i really need some help dont want all of my years work to be thrown out the window because of this one thing. If you can do this for me you will be added to the credits and considered a co creater of the mod I really need some help with this. :wallbash:
  12. any idea on were to start looking i was going off the geck one but it not helping me any
  13. ok thank you it fixed it. but also im try to get a npc to say the quest topics i created but when i go to him he just says the random stuff ncr troopers say can you help me with that?
  14. Ok so started make my first quest and i think i messed up the greeting topic because now when i go to a NPC there is a blank option and when you pick it the NPC says the greeting they normaly say before you even pick a option. For example normaly when your talk to sunny smiles she "hey you sticking around any longer?" now when you talk to her the pick a sentence box pops up and there are her normal choices and a blank one on top if you pick the blank one she replies with "hey you sticking around any longer?" so i know its the GREETING topic how do i fix this. also this is for the mod sun valley with a year of work into it so theres no just restarting completly on the mod.
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