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About nwnicwilli

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    United States
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    Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3
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  1. I only do RP's about: Oblivion, Morrowind, Assassin's Creed (TRUST ME, ITS HELLA FUN), WWII, The Gulf War, Conflicts in Iraq, etc
  2. I'll be starting a roleplay thead HERE, but let me see if anybody will join it first. The story is set in 1941 occupied France, Poland, Russia, Finland, and other major European countries. You can either play as the axis, allies, or the resistance. If you wish to participate then post your characters information below and I will add you to the list. I'm not going to waste my time setting up a huge thread unless we have 5+ members. [b][u]Character Application[/u][/b] I[b]C NAME:[/b] [b]IC AGE:[/b] [b]FACTION/JOB:[/b] [b]BACKSTORY (1-2 para's, more the better):[/b] It will look like this: Character Application: IC NAME: Bob Joe IC AGE: 69 FACTION/JOB: Finnish Ski soldier BACKSTORY (1-2 para's, more the better): blah blah blah blah RULES: 1) IF you wish to speak in OOC you will put it at the END or BEGINNING of the roleplay segment. 2) Each roleplay reply or "segment" must have the SETTING at the top of the segment to specify who you will roleplay with. 3) If you die, you must start a new character, but you don't have to apply again if you do not wish. 4) No METAGAMING AT ALL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming 5) No GODMODDING AT ALL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheating_in_online_games 6) No POWERGAMING AT ALL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powergaming#Role-playing_games 7) Have fun 8) Be realistic 9) I will be the 'admin' of this thread. If you have something unrealistic or against the rules, I will forum PM you and give you THREE warnings. Then you must start anew. Your FOURTH warning is a void of roleplay, which means anything that you have done after the void will be... well void. 10) You can have 2 roleplay characters, and if you read these rules put # in your application. CHARACTER LIST: nwnicwilli - Mikael Tapio Kyander (Finnish)
  3. yeah sorry for my mediocre troll. ^ what these guys said.
  4. >.> Are you blind? The obvious reason that they attacked you is because they are communists. Duh, quit trollin!
  5. I could make this mod for you, or even edit one of the existing taverns to make it BETTER and more populated. Though the citizens will not have unique dialouge, and I don't know if I can do the music though.
  6. I PMed Dante. I posted it here because I never got a reply for a couple of days.
  7. Subject: Chat Ban Sender: nwnicwilli Receiver: The Vampire Dante 18 June 2011 - 02:34 AM I believe I was banned 2-4 months ago by you (The Vampire Dante) in the chat section and from the chat section I believe as well. I think that the period has been long enough and that I regret what I did and have learned my lesson. If you truly believe me, I would hope that you would repeal the ban but if that is not your decision then who could you redirect me to? Thank you for your time. -Nwnicwilli
  8. I need the link to the official HGEC Male and Female.
  9. Everyone think the little girl is going to be like a prostitute having sex and wanting to get laid by an adult or whatever, NO. She will be making remarks like ALMOST EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM HAS DONE: "Hahahah! That's what he/she said" Not something like "I want to *censored* you in your *censored* tight *censored* while you squirt *censored* into my *censored* eye." ...........What?
  10. Yeah, pretty much the same thing I said just with a little bit changed.
  11. Do you want to ROTATE the door, or MOVE it? To move it you hold LEFT mouse button and drag. To rotate it you hold RIGHT mouse button and drag. NOT Both
  12. They have to have a specific AI package to inside that building. Because when their AI Package tells them to patrol, it means to patrol that Cell/Region for that variable distance you set. Just add one more NPC and make him set to patrol the INSIDE of the cell, not the exterior and you won't have to worry about fixing the other 3's packages.
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