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Everything posted by AceCooper99

  1. AceCooper99


    Can I delete posts I've previously made in other forums?
  2. Very well then, thanks anyway :)
  3. Hey there, I apologize because I didn't write this post well, I don't actually want to mod my PS2 or anything like that, what I actually want is to mod the game I talked about above to play on an emulator, because I downloaded the ISO online, can you link me to someone who can make this mod happen for me or give me a link to mod it on my PC myself?
  4. This is an old PS2 game that came out back in 2004, were any mods made for this game? It was a great game that I think sadly did not get enough attention, but Jet Li played a character in this game called Kit and he had two friends in this game, Chi & Michelle Chiang, my request is if somebody could mod his two friends as playable skins over Kit.
  5. Moderator please delete
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