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Everything posted by ajtch

  1. OMG I want this too. Its so annoying when you have an apartment that doesn't have its own cell so you like leave the door open for the world
  2. I was going to write this down on a google doc for myself but then I figured; "why not just post it on the forums?" I don't really do this often, but this is the first Bethesda RPG I've played on PC from launch. By the time I got to Skyrim and the Fallouts, the modding scene was in full swing already. So I thought I'd list the type of mods I'd like to see so that Starfield can really live up to its potential. Note that I'm not a modder, and this list is by no means a way to push modders into developing mods that may not be possible yet. This is just what I'd like to see in the future. I’ll probably add to this list over time. So, let's get started: Anything and everything Elianora. If the Elderscrolls has 9 Divines, Elianora is the 10th. Her player homes and clothing mashups are a staple of any Bethesda game and I can’t wait to see what she does with Starfield. (And considering how bare bones the building system is in Starfield, we need her.) Body/Hair/Tattoo mods. Let’s all be honest for a second. Starfield’s character creator is the weakest its ever been in a Bethesda title. To go from Fallout 4’s in depth creator to a creator where you can’t even have more than one scar or blemish is a huge step down. The hairs are pretty unremarkable as well. And yet again, Bethesda forgets most people get tattoos on their body and not their face. I know modders will save us from this Hell eventually. Better planet generation. This one is one of my biggest disappointments, but not one that surprised me. The planets kinda suck. There are some gorgeous locations, for sure. Like Casseopia, that jungle you go to for Sarah’s quest. It looks very dense, and humid, and beautiful. But then I decided to leave that valley to see what the rest of the planet looked like: No Man’s Sky launch day levels of RNG terrain. There are two terrain types in this game; flat and mountain. You won’t ever see any rivers, or waterfalls, or canyons, or caves (that aren’t the same 3 dungeons reused ad nauseam). The quality of the planets are not cutting it for a Bethesda title. Oblivion looks better. Better locations/dungeons. Going off of the last thing, the dungeons in this game are a far cry in quality from even Fallout 76’s. I don’t know just how many dungeons there actually are but 100s of hours into Starfield and I can count the amount of interesting ones on one hand. The vast majority of locations are just [abandoned thing] with random raider clones and loot. No story, no secret to discover, nothing. You go in, shoot enemies, and get stuff. I just miss the times when going to a new location brought some sort of fascinating story to uncover about what that place was and what happened. There are SOME locations that still do this, just not enough. More immersive animations. I’m a stickler for small details in RPGs, so immersion is very important to me. One thing that has always broke immersion for me has been lack of animations when it comes to eating, drinking, or other activities. I want to be able to sit down at a bar and have a drink, not just look into my menu and eat the whole bottle. 6. Dynamic companions/fleshed out romance mods. I think most of us can agree that Starfield’s followers leave a lot to be desired. I mean, I like them; but they don’t really do much. They have very little dialogue to offer, and the romance in Starfield falls into that trap most games fall into where a romance is treated like a race to the end with nothing to follow. At least Cyberpunk had romance scenes. In Starfield, the best you can do is have a disjointed [Flirt] conversation that feels like its straight out of Oblivion. With all the amazing follower mods from Skyrim and Fallout, I’d hope Bethesda would step up their game. But it looks like the modders will have to save us again. 7. Alternate Start mods. This one is a given. The background system is very nice (even if its a bit limited), but you're still trapped into the same role as a miner who managed to kill a whole gang of pirates and get their own ship for free... on their first day on the job. We all know Emil thinks we're all stupid shooter fans who just want to get the RP crap over with and get right into fightin'. But the roleplayers among us want a bit more leadup.
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