ENB is one, but depending on your system it can lower your FPS by a lot. Anyway here are my top mods. -Live another life. this mods good because if you want something different than the usual slow intro on the carriage, like starting as the dawnguard killing vampires. -SkyUI, its just so much better on the UI plus you can get MCM with skyUI and most mods you will find require it. -Climates of tamriel, just creates more immersion in the weather. -Wyrmstooth, great quest mod, it is very big fully voiced and hours of game play. -Falskaar, basicaly a whole new land. -Inconsequential NPC's, adds an assortment of immersive NPCs so skyrim has more immersion. -Hunterborn, makes animals and hunting realistic. -Cloaks of Skyrim, maybe one of the best mods out there this is a got-to-have. -Civil War Overhaul or Warzones, both do similar things to the civil war, though Warzones is a bit fps costly. -Deadly Mutilation and Dance of Death, with Enhanced Blood, this makes the game so fun, you just want to run around killing things, so many kill moves, so much blood and you can play around with them in MCM. -My Home is Your Home with UFO, have as many followers as you want, make them work, sleep and guard. -Moonlight Tales, nice little werewolf overhaul with the new werebear. -Buildable House, best house mod out there. -Undeath, a fun and dark quest mod. -The Paarthunax dilemma, you can join the blades without killing Paarthunax. -Crossbow basic collection, adds some new and cool crossbows. -Immersive creatures, their are actually baby animals now. -Inigo, awesome follower with 1000's of lines. -Immersive armor and weapons, adds heaps of new equipment. -Scoped Bows, helps with not so good aim people out there. -Immersive patrols, adds some realism on the roads. -Helgen Reborn, almost everyone will tell you its the best quest mod out there. -Forgotten Magic, adds some law friendly spells. Get at your own risk: -Open cities, conflicts with A LOT of mods, also stuffs up windhelm. -Touring carriages, beware of CTD. -Moonpath to Elsweyre, too many glitches. -ASIS, not very compatible. -Aesir Armor, one or two glitches that will wreck your skyrim completely, though they are rare. -EtaC and Interesting NPCs, CTD heavy if installed wrong or damaged. (I run with all these mods plus maybe another 50 mods, on a bad system, i spend 50% of my time, fixing errors, cleaning with TES5edit, game Freezing, CTDing and low fps rate of about 10-20.