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Everything posted by roninsoul7
@Thandal, actually that is exactly why the name, as I was trained for quite some time by a sensei who had the intent to make me a samurai, in the end I ended up veering off towards other martial arts, and did not complete the training, hence I became a Ronin. My old sensei passed away a few years ago, and since then I have used either ronin or wavewarrior in some way to commemorate what he taught me.
Champion is the most defensive of the original specializations, and with a 2 handed warrior, you do lose out on some of the extra armor and enchantment slots a shield would add, plus the concept for the character was a stoic defender. With champion/templar, and the 2 handed ability to remain standing when most others would be knocked on their keesters, it made sense for me at least. My human warrior will stand and rally his fellows to continue battling with that combination, long after the berserker self-damage makes him fall back to recuperate from self-inflicted wounds. It also keeps with the rpg element I force onto even the worst rpg games I have come across. In WoW, I never changed my warriors armour for 20 levels, because the set he had looked good to me, others complimented the look as well, though the stats left a lot to be desired, I still muddled my way through.
How do you pick your character names?
roninsoul7 replied to elooocin's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Raven (Human Male Rogue) - A tribute to my native american roots, what better name for a rogue than the trickster god. Bla'Tzar (Human Male Warrior) - Is my longest standing pen and paper warrior character, played from the chaotically insane level 1 dnd fighter who charged a goblin horde, got fireballed by his own mage, so charged back to kill the mage, to the slayer of gods who rescued an entire world from perishing. I will always have a place in my heart for this character and name, so I always make at least one in any rpg. Langlin (Human Male Mage) - He is my oldest running mage character from the same genre, I made one when a DM said I would never be able to play a wizard right in DnD, and well he was wrong. I ran out of places to level up, long before my character ran out of Orcs to kill (his ingame handle was Langlin Orckiller). Sparkles (Dog) - Named after the very first wolf/german shepard hybrid I ever met in person, and yes her owner named her sparkles. She was beautiful, protective, and a great friend who never wavered in loyalty. I was the only person other than her owner allowed near her puppies when he bred her, so she holds the name of my Dog character at all times (I keep forgetting to get the wolf mod for dog, but next runthrough I will) That is my list and reasons for the only character names that I use specifically, for other characters, I just sit and stare at the created character until a name pops out at me, like my elf female mage Thellisianna. -
If they made a DAO movie, which would you prefer?
roninsoul7 replied to DarkeWolf's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I had to vote CG, as when you go live action, the costume changes, and other movie changes can really ruin something fun in the original concept. I am a computer/comics/RPG geek, when they put out the live action for X-men, I was so hyped to see the movie, then I saw the complete rewrites of the world to make it fit in with what movies could do, and I cannot stand to be in the same house as those movies. That said, I don't mind small changes from one concept to another, hence a lot of the cartoon movies of marvel characters rock, because they don't have to deal with real world limitations, they can just focus on the story as it already exists. If you go live action/CG mix, as avatar did, you're going to end up with something that is already mostly CG anyways, and DA:O was made on computers, might as well make the movie the same way. -
I have to say, my favourite warrior is my 2 handed templar/champion, I can wade through mages and kill them with area shouts, make my party better with one rally, and keep standing when most things attack me. When I tried the same with my dual weapon warrior, getting knocked off my feet all the time made most of the buff skills useless, so I guess it's all a matter of gameplay and style. Find what works for you, follow it through.
Things that you have learnt while playing DA:O
roninsoul7 replied to Lookimscared's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
-I have learned that Dragon/sword climbing should become a new sport! -
Yes, political correctness can muddy the waters rather well. The word Mankind refers to all of humanity, but if you add in PC garbage, it can be viewed as only equaling only male humanity. This PC stuff is relatively recent, the further you go back in languages and cultural usages of them, versus daily survival, the less people cared about making more and specific words for things, and just generally getting information across rather fast and efficiently. Hence mickeymcp is probably correct, in that the world of the game is using Gods as it's original terminology, meaning beings of celestial power, rather than the PC version where you would have to take that extra second to say something along the lines of "RUN, the Old Gods and Goddesses are attacking!" rather than just "RUN! The Old Gods are coming!"
To add in a little on the discussion, I have in the past had to get blood off of my quickly for fear of passing along a blood disease. Step 1 make sure none of it entered in through an open orifice (if that fails, then start praying), step 2 is wash the blood off away from said orifices, step 3 wash the rest off, step 4 is to use something with a high PH like alcohol to sterilize the skin and area affected. All of these can be accomplished as soon as a civilization is capable of making themselves drunk, so it could just be a given that the mentioned characters were doing that "offscreen" since once you hit camp, no one is covered in blood anymore, no matter how much of it they had on them beforehand. It is akin to star trek, rpgs, and other things, where your character never has to go to the washroom, it would be rather dull to watch the process, so it is assumed to happen when no one is looking.
Uninstalled DA:O and still laggy
roninsoul7 replied to notaddc's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Ok, to add something new to the technical discussion, I recently had to install a new fan for my computer, it didn't come with enough SATA connectors to power everything, so I went to a small shop owned by a computer geek just like me and asked if there was a way around it, turns out there is an adaptor that turns a PATA(IDE) power connector into a SATA. So that means if you are changing stuff around, head to one of those shops and see if there are any connectors that can change stuff around for your needs. The new connector cost me $5 CAD, a drop in the bucket compared to the $40 more it would have cost to get yet another new fan with the proper connectors. -
Is DA the best RPG ever?
roninsoul7 replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I cannot say this is the best RPG ever, since not only do I play a lot (LOT) of computer RPG's, but I also use the old pen and paper RPG's as well. That being said, this game is very well done in the storyline and codex, the mod potential (For those with more patience than I to learn a whole system to mod a game) is well done. Those points aside, I really disliked a lot of the technical aspects that DW listed before, but it seems that companies are lately going backwards on the player mods, read less ability to mod their games, or harder modtools given. Not only that, but when I looked into modding with this game, I found that to add anything fun and unique required me to go out and download entire other programs just to get the mod tool they gave us to work. I have to put it up yet again, Thank all you modders great and large, for putting up new things for those of us who cannot or will not learn to use the mod tools. Your contributions to the game make it more enjoyable everytime we play. -
spoiler What is your opinion of the Chantry...
roninsoul7 replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
The chantry? You mean they still won't let me start up the new national sport "Burn the clerics"? Man that so totally sucks. Smart remarks aside, I really disliked the chantry for all of it's earthly policies. As in real life churches, the message was so distorted by a rise of power, leading to a corruption of the basic concepts it tried to teach. It wouldn't be a perfect world without religion, but it would be better without religious organizations having power of any kind. -
spoiler Who do you like to side with?
roninsoul7 replied to spinspider's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
@RustyBlade HAHAHAHA! I will remember "With that said, I want his helmet." for a very long time. To add to my earlier post, I side with the grand oak, anyone quoting idiotic poetry at me deserves a quick and merciful death... or a slow and painful one. -
Sten perfect actually. Quiet, stoic, does the job, accepts the consequences of his actions (even the ones made while in an unreasoning rage), and all the while no whining, no backtalk about how to lead, other than the one challenge, which every warrior is allowed, but the constant nitpicking of Ali makes me wanna turn around and say "You don't like how I do things? You lead! No? Then shut up, toe the line and get back to the slaughter!"
I let loghain live once for the achievement, after I get that, I gut him myself everytime. He is a tactical nightmare waiting to happen, and a traitor. Now I hear all the time about second chances, but in the case of your treason causing someone's death, then no, just not going to take the chance that sometime in the near future he won't suddenly decide he knows better than me about how things should be done. That would just make us all end up in the same place again, but this time with him having warden authority. That being said, I don't like Alistair anymore than him either. If I need a warrior in my party, I put Sten in his armour, toss him at the front, and let his sword do the talking, he is the best warrior character out of the bunch, and I dread the day when he leaves me alone with the rest of the rejects that also call themselves such.
spoiler Hopes for future expansions
roninsoul7 replied to spinspider's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I would love to see the future with more blood, guts, and maybe an onscreen companion death or two. I see how people get wrapped up in their companions, and understand that, but the reality of war should be driven home with a sledgehammer of watching someone like say, I don't know Alistair take a DS ballista bolt through the plate, and/or Wynne cast such a huge healing spell that her life forces are literally eaten up by it, leaving behind nothing but a pile of ash. I would also like more travel options, like hit other countries, cause with the end of the blight in the first nation, there is no limit that states the next blight has to wait another few centuries. Last but certainly not least, I would absolutely ADORE the dev that manned up and said "Ok, we tempted them with Gryphons, GRYPHONS! Now put them in the game before they lynch us with homemade pitchforks and torches." -
spoiler The Truth about Alistair...
roninsoul7 replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Oooo, can I add some fuel to this fire? Nevermind, I would never wait for the answer to that question anyways. Alistair, whiny lil brat who does indeed need to man up, playing with your dolls is all well and good in times of peace, but when war hits, shelve them and run your butt to the lines, especially when that war is literally where you live. Roghain, moron, tactical nightmare, bigot, megalomaniac, and all around good sheath for a sword (read stick one in his guts and let him rot). I was saddened that you had NO control over who to make a warden, cause in the end I would have chosen anyone other than those two. Give me back Daveth, and I will also take some random nameless city elf. There, four grey wardens, and none of them whiny or retarded! -
spoiler Who else is a softie
roninsoul7 replied to ell46's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I am a packrat irl, takes me forever and lots of pushing to toss out anything that MAY end up finding a use one day. On the other hand in games, I toss absolutely everything that has no intrinsic value to me. Weapons outdated? Bodhan, hold this for awhile, maybe forever. Armour starting to look ragged? Winter Forge, I gots some new duds to hammer out! Wedding ring from some dead person? Woot, it's worth some startup gear at the walking dead taskmaster! In summary, if it isn't useful, I toss it away faster than lint gets into pockets. -
eloocin, when in doubt, it is better to ask forgiveness than ask for approval. That being said, I jumped right in these forums, and continue to do so at random, and so far the response has been summed up as "Heya new person, welcome to our little slice of the 'net, grab a chair and chat with us for awhile!" so you shold be safe.
If the mods are no longer on the nexus site, you can just force load the save without them. They SHOULDN'T break anything, but they may.
CC Extra tints and tones uses a chargen file, so do some other mods that change appearance, so you have to make sure you only have one of those in your override folder, there is a mod on the nexus site that will compile the different files into 1 working file. There are two cheats I like using myself, Dragon Age Beguiler (lets you edit your characters minus dog) and Dragon Age mutator, both are done by the same author and work well. Not only do they work well, but the Beguiler mod allows you to change stuff ingame, without having to type stuff in.
I find 2 skills very useful since I don't have them. 1 is being able to see during the daytime, my eyes are so sensitive to light that a day with sun means a day of me walking around using just my hearing, seeing eye friends helps a lot. 2 is being able to cook rice, I just can't do it properly, I either get mush or bullets, I have even used my friends kitchen, their pots, their recipes with them standing right beside me watching every step. I always get the same result, it amazes some, but annoys me to no end.
I actually noticed that myself. The "straight" characters are both faithless, while both "bi" characters continue to stay strong in their commitments. *shrug* I honestly never really cared that much, since my most played and only finished character was a male human noble, and when he lost everything, he decided that he would hop in bed with any willing partner, plays havoc on romances, but it meant he was no more commited than a cat.