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About Bombly

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  1. You can? Would you mind telling me how? Please? :)
  2. Hey guys, I'm running Windows 10 and this seems to be an issue at least 2 other people I have found have had and no body has found a solution yet so I thought if I drew more attention to it someone might know. Aaaaaaaaaaanyway basically I open GECK, I load FalloutNV.esm, or maybe FalloutNV.esm with the DLC's, with some mods, setting an active file or not, it really doesn't matter, whatever file I load whenever I try to open any weapon at all it comes up with that "_____ has stopped working, Windows is doing jackshit about it and is going to leave you none the wiser as to why your program crashed" message that we have all come to know and love (by that I mean F*CKING DESPISE :D) and it crashes. Opening armour, keys, books, ammuntion, weapon mods even ALL work, but of course noooo.... the thing I actually need doesn't - weapons. Anyway, if anybody knew the solution and they could post it down below that would be great.
  3. Having the exact same problem, running as admin and everything I possibly can, has anybody found a possible fix yet?
  4. Haha not HK-47 (I did play KOTOR 2 btw), I meant the pistol (though I'm sure you knew that and you were making a joke, but just in case).
  5. Hey guys, just a rather simple mod (I would have thought, anyways, might be wrong), wondering if anybody could make an HK45C? The C stands for compact, here's a link to it: http://www.heckler-koch.com/en/products/sport/full-size-compact/hk45/hk45/overview.html PS. It's the second variant :wink:
  6. Hey guys, found another bug, which is kinda serious. In fact, game-breaking. I had been playing for a while and decided to edit some mods I downloaded to add the items into the Goodsprings General Store, I edited them a few times in fact, going back and forth between GECK and the game to test it out, I literally *JUST* got it working and when I launched the game, the mouse didn't appear, I couldn't enter anything into the keyboard, and it cycled through the loading screens until the menu screen when it just stopped and the menu buttons didn't appear (continue, load game, new game, etc.). I new it didn't freeze because a) I could hear the music and b) I could open the ENB menu. The mods I've got are ALL of the mods from this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=475068117 and these: 10mm Pistol - Sig Sauer P226 Replacement - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37138/? Alexscorpions Nightvision Goggles - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36617/? Dragonskin Tactical Outfit - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36152/? Wasteland Warfighter - A Mojave Mercenary's Armory - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56891/? Exciter Guns Mini Pack - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39561/? M67 Baseball Grenade Replacer - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55834/? Select Fire 2 - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40242/? My load order, I can't figure out how to copy and paste, but yeah, that's basically all. Any help would be appreciated. TL;DR, I start the game, the mouse and keyboard don't work, the main menu comes up but with no buttons but the music keeps playing and I can open the ENB menu.
  7. Anyone? Must be somebody who can?
  8. Hey guys, yesterday I was playing Battlefield 4 and found the Seal Knife, and it looked pretty sweet so I was wondering if anyone would care to make it in Fallout. I thought it would be a nice addition, and hopefully not too hard to make, here's a couple of images.
  9. Also if anybody knows how to make it compatible with optics of new vegas that would be good.
  10. Ok so I've fixed the reloading and shooting anims but can't seem to get the magazine to appear. I've also gotten rid of the extra ring on the trigger but have gotten rid of the ring I wanted to keep in the process and have yet to find a replacement, I have gotten rid of the hammer and have got the scope. So right now all I need is a replacement trigger, a blackened body and a silver barrel that has been made into a silencer.
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