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  1. Liberty Prime was actually a RobCo invention, however.
  2. I'd love to do in-engine mapping/modelling/storytelling, I like creating a model, knowing where it should fit in the world, and the purpose of it, and what it's going to do. Plus, who doesn't want a huge Liberty Prime/Mr House Hybrid boss battle? Also, I still heavily suggest a steam group, who is actually in the development team?
  3. I haven't modelled for a while, but I'll try to dig up some new work. Also, I'm totally game for actually modding, I'd love to be in a bigger part of this, I don't have the worlds amount of experience with modding for this game in particular, but I lead a modification called Genetic Science, hence making me learn 3D Modeling, and learning about marketing/press, also we used Steam Groups;) But I really really really want to help develop this, like, even making maps or scripts, I don't have much to show you but I can swing easily, I used to mod Oblivion like six years ago, and it's the same engine so I don't reckon it'll be too difficult to get into. <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://i.imgur.com/97oefkq.png%20-%20Something%20quick%20I%20did%20in%20a%20hour,%20it%20was%20a%20alpha%20version%20of%20a%20weapon%20for%20a%20game%20I" href="http://i.imgur.com/97oefkq.png%20-%20Something%20quick%20I%20did%20in%20a%20hour,%20it%20was%20a%20alpha%20version%20of%20a%20weapon%20for%20a%20game%20I" m%20co-developing."="">http://i.imgur.com/97oefkq.png Something quick I did in a hour, it was a alpha version of a weapon for a game I'm co-developing. As you can see I use the Student Version (Non-Commercial) of 3DS Max 2014, and I can export directly to .nif I believe.
  4. Also you know in Mass Effect, where your actions carry over in the next game because a couple of variables are ticked in a save game? Maybe we could do something like that then having to write a script for every mission end, and then tie in the ticked variables script in the actual quest line, so it works like Mass Effect would, but just Fallout. Something I forgot to mention, I can 3D Model pretty much anything apart from organics, so if you need weapons, or armor, I'm your man. And we need to think about marketing and press too, I mean, on the forums we're quite well known, but we need to extend, Facebook, twitter, Nexus, Moddb, if you need any of them I can do it in an instant, I've got a fair amount of experience in that kinda stuff.
  5. I appreciate that TheAtmosphere, but I'll look over the options and see what would be the best fit. If I did make a steam group it would be under my admin privilges, if someone else formed it I might be restricted in changes I might want to make in the future. We don't want to forget Lucia, she's been hard at work turning out quite a bit of content. I'll try to get in touch with Fujikid soon. It's not like that, it's one click in making you owner, meaning you can make any change to anything in the group. I really think this is the way to go and the faster we get up, the better.
  6. I don't know, I just think Steam is the way to go, the whole project is very messy right now, what we need is a formed development team composed with regular meetings or so in order to organise everything, I can make a steam group in five seconds, just give the word, I just think that this will mean we can all share files easily, and easily pitch out ideas without getting buried in the forum, we need organisation because right now the only person doing work is you (devinpatterson) and we need to add things to our team, if we want a big project, then we need to be organised.
  7. The whole point is that after Mr. House's supposed death, he, Victor, and Jane are not actually dead, and Mr. House lives on as a machine, seeing the world that the courier has built, he's waiting for his time to strike, maybe he was waiting until Vegas was built in order to strike back, meaning he simply used the courier and Yes Man to do the work while he sat back, this is a very indulging storyline that will probably be included in the modification, maybe having to destroy a Mr House "Liberty Prime" in some Portal-esque room. We're trying to bring new technology to the table, a new approach, something that will make everyone fall in love with the mod, something like Project Brazil, but bigger. Also, Steam Groups mean we can have meetings with the staff without a cluster like it is on the forums, meaning we can streamline information and the project leaders can post announcements for the team, and for the general public too, it also serves as a list of members in the group and how they can work together through steam, more primarily I'm focusing on that meetings thing, it's a lot more useful.
  8. Hey, I've been away and a lot has changed since I last posted, like, 30 more pages to read through! Wow! I'm still up and happy about this project, and I was wondering if there was a Steam Group? If not, it's best to create one for more instant and streamlined discussions.
  9. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36047/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D36047%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D993976&pUp=1 Basically in this mod you can use a spell to take charge of another character, which is great for roleplaying as someone other then yourself, and you can use your character as a follower, this would be great in Fallout, don't you think?
  10. Maybe we could do a hangover-based quest, where you have to find The King on top of the Lucky 38 or something? That'll be so cool! Also, I've been messing around in the G.E.C.K trying to build a MK III Securitron, and how about replacing the face with the Angry Yes Man Face? they can aligned along Hoover Dam and triggered by the start of the quest, "Viva New Vegas" or something. They should also be more securitrons in the strip and, if the player is on good terms with the King, in Freeside too, helping out the kings.
  11. About the Viva New Vegas, what do you think? It's a first draft so things may seem outta place with the timing. Bright Light City,Gonna set the wastes,gonna set the wastes on fire,got a-whollotta caps that're ready to burnso get those slots up higher,Oh, there is thousand pretty weapons, waitin' out there,and they're all firin', Caesar may care,well I'm just the devil with ammo to spare, So Viva, New Vegas!Viva New Vegas! How I wish that they were more,Then the securitrons on the strip!even if there were a 100 more,Vegas wouldn't wish it away!Oh, there's Gomorrah, Luxe, and the Tops Hotel!Breakin' the bank with every deal!All you need is a strong heart, and a nerve of steel! So Viva, New Vegas,Viva New Vegas! Viva New Vegas with your, tower flashing,and your one Yes Man Crashin'all those hopes down the drain!Viva New Vegas turnin' the house into wildcards,turnin' Eurka into the legion!If you see it once,you'll want to fight at the dam! I'm gonna keep on the run,I'm gonna have me some funIf it costs me my very last cap!If I wind up broke well,I'll remember that I, lived to see it with my own eyes!I'm going to shoot up everything that i've got,lady luck please let the The Tops stay hot!let me shout at Benny with every-shotaa! Viva, New Vegas! Viva, New Vegas!Viva, Viva, New Vegaaas! And Viva LAS vegas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPuKoqu6kMk
  12. if you're in the team, PM me your Google email, so I can add you to the docs. And let's hope we're covered by fair use, would love to be able to extend Mr New Vegas.
  13. Sure, I have a save right before the final battle I think, if I haven't deleted it. Also, we're not making any money of the mod are we? So it is covered by fair use policy and Parody fair use. Also, Vault Town, as long as we can earn a lot of money from it, and it does some real good management skills, then I'm totally in.
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