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Everything posted by Shoobydoo

  1. Sorry but I don't really see the point of that script since its still being used to remove a glove from an outfit that would already be gone if the armor was setup correctly to begin with in its armor addon list in the geck...it just seems to be a way of making it more difficult than it needs to be IMO lol Not really sure what you mean there as I use Begin OnUnequip in my scripts for both mods I've made (one for Fo3 and one for NV) for custom pipboys and pipboy gloves and it works like a charm with no glitches when equipping the custom armor then changing to something else /shrug
  2. I could be wrong but I want to say the 1st person versions of the default game weapons are listed somewhere under 'Static' in either the meshes.bsa or misc.bsa...I'm not where I can check to verify that atm though... After extracting the needed nif and changing its textures, you could add it as the 1st person version for your weapon in fonvedit (find the original weapon you modified and copy it as a new record into your mod, then change its properties to point to your modified nif files for model (world, 1st person, etc)
  3. Maybe changing their AI settings to "Helps Nobody" or something like that? That way perhaps only the ones you aggro yourself directly will attack you? Also, maybe decrease their Perception to decrease how many are likely to notice you at once?
  4. Are you trying to replace the pipboy glove with another custom type and still have a pipboy attached, or remove it entirely? In either case, if you are creating a custom outfit/armor you will setup its armor addons which will determine what gloves (pipboy or otherwise) and pipboy (should such be part of the outfit) and as such, there is really no need for the "OnEquip" part, unless you are adding a custom pipboy, in which case you'll want to add a 'resetpipboymanager' statement. The primary thing you want to worry about in custom armor scripts is the part dealing with when you Unequip it, so anything else you put on will have it's normal pipboy interface added and initialized properly on the switch (and since most default armor and outfits already come with associated pipboy gloves for player-wearing, you only need to allow for re-equipping and initiating the pipboy when switching which, I think, also takes care of its associated pipboy glove as well. For example, a script for armor with a custom textured pipboy (already added to the armor addon-list for the outfit along with the pipboyglove and right hand glove): scn VriskaClothesPipboyGlove Begin OnEquip resetpipboymanager end Begin OnUnequip player.EquipItem PipBoy 1 resetpipboymanager End Or, if you are making an outfit with the default pipboy but no pipboy glove (remember, both of these are setup in the armor addon-list and not in scripts as far as what is equipped by default when you put the outfit on) and you want to make sure when you put somehing else on that everything goes back to the normal defaults for said new outfit: scn VriskaClothesPipboyGlove Begin OnUnequip player.EquipItem PipBoyGlove 1 End Keep in mind I'm just going by memory here as I'm at work and can't check my scripts at home from my mods that deal with such things so.....but thats basically what works for me.
  5. I'm working on a mod for New Vegas and I've run into a problem. When I made a mod for FO3 I could make a script for activation/triggering then put it in a Trigger, then place the trigger in the cell of what I wanted to be triggered then link it to a reference to work with the script I'd added to the trigger. However, with the geck for NV, I don't seem to have that ability...IE: It doesn't have a linked reference button to choose my reference and it won't let me drag the trigger to the cell to link to a reference even if it did have that button to use. How do you setup something like this with this version of the geck? Am I maybe using the wrong type of trigger? I'm using the only type I found in it so far under the "World Objects/Activator" section and creating a new one there. In the FO3 version of the Geck the triggers I used and am trying to make here visually had the look of upright green rectangles when placed in a cell. Anypne have any ideas on this? Thanks.
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