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  1. Hello! I would like to make a weapon mod request for Neo's weapon from the web show RWBY, Hush. It's a weaponized parasol for those not familiar with it. To emulate the functions it has in the show ideally the canopy of the parasol would act as a shield, when closed it could serve as a blunt weapon, and the concealed rapier blade should be able to extend from the tip as well as be drawn from the shaft like a sheath. If the latter could somehow function alongside Sheath Framework, that would be great. Thank you for reading and thank you in advance should you decide to undertake this request.
  2. So I'm using multiple food mods, including aviform's mealtime, chocolate, and cheese mods plus campfire and have a bashed patch but for some reason whenever I go to an inn, even on a fresh save, the vendors only ever have a single salt pile and a single nord mead. Can anyone help me figure out why that is?
  3. Hello! I'm in need of a mod to make the mesh of the world map a flat plane for use with a paper map mod so my map doesn't still have mountains and bumps on it that throw off my map markers. I found a mod like this for SSE but not for Oldrim, as seen here: (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23114/). If anyone could make this for me, that would be great, thank you for your time and have a nice day. Edit: Oh wait, nevermind. I found a mod that does what I wanted.
  4. Hello! I'm looking to make a request for a postman uniform, considering there is a surprising lack of them on the Nexus. With all of the mailman memes and the fact that you are quite literally a package courier, I expected to be able to find something like this easily. I'm playing a courier that would, at the very least, wear a postman hat. Thank you for your time!
  5. Hello! I've been using the Quick Draw (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7796) mod for a long time and i love it, but I have recently come across a mod that repositions Institute weapons to not take up a third of your screen (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23102). Which is wonderful, except I have come to realize that the second mod overwrites the animations of the first one, thus forcing me to again wait through a crucial second during a firefight just so my character can flick a switch on the side of the gun instead of drawing it immediately. Is there any possibility that someone could make these two mods compatible in some way? Thank you!
  6. So, I have a character that would be friendly to feral ghouls, I tried adding myself to the ghoul faction with console commands, which worked with super mutants, but did not work with ghouls for some reason. What I'm looking for is a simple mods that adds a ring or some other unintrusive equippable item that makes feral ghouls friendly to the player. I know there is a mod that adds the ghoul mask from Fallout 3, but I'd rather not use that.
  7. I know I saw it somewhere, can you find me a mod gives you a sword that can shoot? like, it has a ranged effect? thanks in advance!
  8. I like this idea. I can't help with much, but I can try to make the Scipts work for the search. no so much on the random searches, though. Just starting out modding...
  9. The second half is my point. They point you in the direction of Azura's star. Which means, they just might want to get rid of it like that. But, I don't know. Anything could happen inbetween oblivion and the new one.
  10. Well, while that can be true, I saw it as the star returned to Azura, like some armors say happen after a while, I saw it as you needed the item to still be constucted, not torn apart for it's blood. Just my thoughts though.
  11. i have this habit of wanting to kill anyone who looks at me I have this habit of wanting to kill everyone, just cause.
  12. Ok, you know in the quest "Blood of the deada?" You give up a deadic artifact blah blah blah...Anyway, the artifact they point you to is Azura's star. ONE OF THE BEST ARTIFACTS. Now, it may be that the artifact is PERMANATLY GONE. Get where I'm getting at? I saw nothing saying it was a teporary thing, the undoing of the artifact. So, it may be in TES V Azura's star may be gone! anyone find anything that says otherwise?
  13. I have NO prior experience with modding AT ALL. Nor do i have any with messing with meshes... I thought I could just add a target spell to the bear, and everythinh would work out. APARANTLY NOT :wallbash: . So, I can't even DO this mod unless someone else makes the meshes. Sorry. :whistling:
  14. I do have one account the I cheated to get to max level. He's a master at everything. I use him to test mods and whatnot. I do use the item room, beacause aparantly NO ONE EVER DROPS DEADIC SWORDS. EVER. I mean realy now, at least one person in oblivion should carry a deadic sword and shield!
  15. Myself, I like a wizard with light armor, strength and intelligence favored stats. blade, alchemy, destruction, restoration, light armor, conjuration and mystisicm. I got everything I ever need! Sure it's not optimised but I DON'T CARE.
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