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About Telogenesis

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  1. Hello again. Just added Hearthfire and finding the materials to build and then building my home im a little sad. Are there any mods out there that allow the player to build it bigger? I mean the house is nice but i want something larger more to my style. Big, dark, and dangerous.
  2. Found it, here it is if anyone else is looking. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25259
  3. Hello trying to find a cbbe replacer for the dawnguard dlc armors. The Snow elf armor and the likes, any ideas?
  4. What if werewolf's became a separate race all together? Werewolf's dont have to be all evil , so why not have them as a separate race like vampires have become from their npc counter parts. I understand that the npc's in the game cant tell the difference unless you dont feed for a while being a vampire but what if the werewolf had a system of its own? Werewolf's that are part of the community, welcomed by the towns people until you create havoc in the area. A separate cast of werewolf's if you may.<br>
  5. Ive seen all these new armors for all these new bodies but ive yet to see anyone come up with some sort of armor for the werewolf body. And why not have a werewolf character that is in werewolf form all the time and can wear armor just like any of the other races in the game? i see no reason !! If anyone is interested please please do something with this!!!
  6. The guy guarding the gates of Sovngarde, guys name is Tsun, i had it wrong the hall is called Shor's Hall where you meet the dead dragon born for the Sovngarde quest. his armor is with out a chest piece but im sure someone could fashion one with ease from some similar armor so it would also work for the females. My male nord would look awesome in it with maybe some darker colors.
  7. I would love to see Shor the god of the underworld or whatever his title is made playable for both male and female characters if at all possible. Thank you.
  8. Sounds like a good mod idea. I too grabbed a crap ton of the junk because I thought maybe I would be able to make my own little mechano-spider.
  9. I don't know about you all but I feel they didn't put much thought into shadowmere. He is to light colored and doesn't look evil enough. What i was thinking is the look of the dread steed from WOW with some dark dragon bone as armor, like a dragon skull for the horse helmet and shoulder / wing plate bones for shoulder armor and so on. make it all fit into the dark brother hood theme yet still be for the dragon born all at the same time.
  10. I have, using showracemenu alone. after i change my character from orc to nord then run around and do quest for hours on end save the game a few times and such, as soon as i go werewolf and come back into nord form im a half nord/orc , nord skin and facial features and orc teeth and hair and eyes, still havent found a way around that yet. any thoughts on that? sometimes i save it right after ive changed the race and still does it, does it even after ive loaded a saved game from a new session of the day with a character ive changed races on.
  11. can anyone pm a link to ancient_laws lionheart armor?? it would be very much appreciated!! Never mind i got it took me a little while to find it but i have!!!
  12. I can't seem to find it now but i thought i came across a stock cloth and armor replacer for the robert male body v5 , any ideas?
  13. Hello Mod Detectives, I'm looking for the Bracers in this image can anyone help me?
  14. Actually they are based on the Akatosh Dragon Mount mod (only the model being different) and therefore act and react the same with the same set of commands. By chance do you know where i might get the model?
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